Jun 22, 17 / Leo 05, 01 22:30 UTC

The governmental interdisciplinary skills matrix would be a web application that would quantify the talent pool of every Asgardian citizen that wants to take part in building out future projects, particularly useful in the science and technology sectors.  The skills matrix would be used to mine for talent in building out systems, software applications, engineering projects etc... among other disciplines with which this mechanism could be applied.  A rough outline is as follows:

Summary page that states your desired role in helping Asgardia become a mature space nation

Past Employment and Work Experience

Several pages of multi-tiered multi choice select boxes with level of expertise and amount of years in different fields for example: Software Matrix: Python (  ) No Experience ( ) Novice ( ) Journey ( ) Senior (x) Expert [12] Years

Educational Achievement Page

Certifications Page

Publications Page


The point of having a skills matrix is to be able to generate queries and results based on criteria that must be met to perform a job or finish a project.  The skills matrix can continue to grow and change as requirements and scope of projects begin to change and these changes would be notified as a alerts upon logging in.  Filling the skills matrix out would of course not be mandatory but would obviously help your ability to take action on important developments.

Jul 11, 17 / Leo 24, 01 04:14 UTC

This is an excellent IDEA!

Jul 24, 17 / Vir 09, 01 07:53 UTC

Agree! And there should be a JOB PETITION!

Jul 24, 17 / Vir 09, 01 07:53 UTC

Agree! And there should be a JOB PETITION!

Jul 27, 17 / Vir 12, 01 14:06 UTC

nice idea ...I agree!

Jul 27, 17 / Vir 12, 01 23:43 UTC

I see this would only be applicable to those who have technical skills.

I am sorry if I am wrong , please correct me if you don't mind to my face book.

What if those persons are more social-scientifics or more interested in humanities studies. ...
