Oct 25, 22 / Oph 18, 06 01:24 UTC
Space is dark.. all matter that has no light source nearby is dark.. some examples would be water, plasma, gasses, dust.. as space is spread out there is probably more matter then we can see.. a galaxy could be a ball of matter but we see only the center and ...
Oct 25, 22 / Oph 18, 06 22:39 UTC
According to some theories dark matter could be in greater quantity than the matter we know. We are all waiting to learn more.
Oct 18, 22 / Oph 11, 06 12:37 UTC
What if distant meteors and asteroids are getting pushed by even more distant explosions or bursts.. it could make their trajectory more straight and aimed at our solarsystem.. like we had recently a sun diver.. we could have earth divers at great speeds.. we being the target of a space ...
Oct 18, 22 / Oph 11, 06 21:05 UTC
Space is like a 3D billiard table with many" balls " (the celestial bodies) that follow their straight and curved routes, depending on the gravitational forces they encounter. A number end up colliding and diverting on new routes. Will these new routes be dangerous for our Spaceship Earth? We are ...
Oct 14, 22 / Oph 07, 06 14:24 UTC
A planet that is warmed by a heat star could have infrared based creatures.. on the opposite site an electric star could have UV based creatures on its planets.. life can protect itself against extreme’s if it gets enough time to evolve.. Grtz,Dirk
Oct 12, 22 / Oph 05, 06 04:26 UTC
A new era.. Grtz,Dirk
Oct 14, 22 / Oph 07, 06 10:08 UTC
Кто смотрел "Властелин колец" - знает, что такое братство кольца.. Я думаю, что наша нация похоже больше на братство - открытое общество для просвещённых.
Oct 12, 22 / Oph 05, 06 05:49 UTC
Дорогие космические соотечественники! С днём рождения! У нас всё получится! )))
Oct 5, 22 / Sco 26, 06 10:08 UTC
What if the universe is based on coldness and heat is the exception.. then we should put aside all hot sources and review the universe.. if coldness is the rule then we can add negativity, neutrality, electricity.. or in an other way maybe say the opposite side of the visible ...
Oct 6, 22 / Sco 27, 06 04:00 UTC
However, in order to create artificial planets or moons, there is a condition that at least humans must utilize all of the Earth's energy.
Oct 6, 22 / Sco 27, 06 02:40 UTC
Maybe building an artificial moon at the perfect distance could be a solution..
Oct 5, 22 / Sco 26, 06 23:01 UTC
It's very difficult to find a place where the warmth and cold are right, but even if we do, it's very far away. First of all, we need to find a space and develop the skills to go to that space.
See all 4 comments
Oct 2, 22 / Sco 23, 06 10:10 UTC
I am getting the impression that it will be 150 million robots that will go to space in stead of humans.. at least in the short period.. maybe later when everything is established for a secure human life that humans will follow the robots.. If so then we should not ...
Oct 2, 22 / Sco 23, 06 15:13 UTC
This was already done for some mayor parts. Also in regards to special laws that apply to robots only.
Sep 28, 22 / Sco 19, 06 15:42 UTC
How to identify if an ID is truly an honest id.. let’s take this social webpage.. anybody with an email can create a free account under the factor Asgardian.. because this in an open platform it seems easy for certain persons to put spam in this forum even with very ...
Sep 27, 22 / Sco 18, 06 19:56 UTC
If instead of making wars.. We could create digital competitions whereby the end result is a solution to a world problem.. group blue and red are combatting via an innovative digital battle for a grand price.. and the result of their battle is for the betterment of humanity.. Grtz,Dirk
Sep 27, 22 / Sco 18, 06 21:19 UTC
I get it. Like PVP first person shooter games right. That way whoever has the most points wins and without killing anyone in real life.
Sep 27, 22 / Sco 18, 06 18:14 UTC
There are at least 3 universe’s.. the one we can see and detect.. the one we can not see and detect.. and the one we can not see and not detect.. Grtz,Dirk
Sep 27, 22 / Sco 18, 06 19:01 UTC
The fourth should be the one we can calculate and display digitally.. so our goal should be to make an as complete possible digital universe..
Sep 27, 22 / Sco 18, 06 17:44 UTC
If we are talking about impacts at high speed then the release is also higher.. if we take an ice meteor then mostly it will be water that is send out.. so no heavy stuff in a sense.. but if we are using iron, gold and even radioactive metals then ...
Sep 25, 22 / Sco 16, 06 13:08 UTC
If Betelgeuse is going to explode or is already exploded then it is just a matter of when the impact will be.. I think the simplest way to protect ourself somewhat against the fast radiation that will come our way is to keep Betelgeuse below our local horizon- line.. There ...
Oct 2, 22 / Sco 23, 06 22:49 UTC
Betelgeuse is coming to the end of its stellar life, it will take about 100,000 years for this to happen and more than 500 years for something to come close to Earth. As I have said, I believe that man will have to face other, much more earthly problems at ...
Sep 25, 22 / Sco 16, 06 18:49 UTC
Sep 21, 22 / Sco 12, 06 02:39 UTC
If cataclysm on earth is recorded somewhere then it has to be in the oldest continuous forms of life their dna.. namely the bacteria or as I call it the living god, the one who created it all, and lives in us all, also known as ‘i am’.. Therefore we ...
Sep 20, 22 / Sco 11, 06 22:03 UTC
Interesting overview of the ending of an earth civilization.. https://youtu.be/L29XKeHxtHg Grtz,Dirk
Oct 2, 22 / Sco 23, 06 22:34 UTC
The end of the world has probably been talked about since man became aware of himself . I believe, however, given the climatic trends and a number of disturbing events underway, that man himself will put himself on the extinction list. We hope that some wise will correct and indicate ...
Sep 27, 22 / Sco 18, 06 13:14 UTC
The maians predict thath in 2012 had solar explosions that should destroyed the planet, in fact it happend, but not enougth. I think that could damaged the Earth core and make the magnetism that hold it together fall apart. And we have very the stronguests earthquakes, tsunamis, change of magnetism ...
Sep 13, 22 / Sco 04, 06 19:10 UTC
What does a bunch of magnets do in space.. do they line up and produce a jet.. when they spin do they create a disk.. how do different forms of magnets behave in space.. does the same materials of magnets melt together.. Grtz,Dirk
Sep 21, 22 / Sco 12, 06 13:36 UTC
The question is; what kind of application you are aiming at? There is already a bunch of knowledge out there. Here just a few: * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VPfZ_XzisU * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2-EqVdaNT4 * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_uKt2i2jvc
Sep 13, 22 / Sco 04, 06 20:38 UTC
interesting questions. at least a 2D-model could be easily done (on earth) and perhaps answer some questions or at least give some ideas of what may happen in space and in 3D. Melt together ... most probably not; I guess it needs a Bose-Einstein-Condense to make that happen. But I'm ...
Sep 12, 22 / Sco 03, 06 03:17 UTC
Our next goal in space would be to go beyond mars and pick asteroids for mining resources.. we could build robot factory’s to make products.. and even build parts for a spaceship in space.. all these things are present on earth.. so we need to make robot startups on the ...
Sep 14, 22 / Sco 05, 06 18:44 UTC
I would not return to earth but stay in space..
Sep 14, 22 / Sco 05, 06 17:48 UTC
The main part is to build spaceships that fly to an asteroid, reproduce themselves with the help of the materials on that Asteroid, which generates more spaceships that can reach the next asteroids and so on. Some kind of snowball system. After some time they stop producing more spaceships, but ...
Sep 12, 22 / Sco 03, 06 05:08 UTC
Definitely, There are a alot of metals in asteroids that can help build the colonies in space.
Sep 11, 22 / Sco 02, 06 10:41 UTC
Sep 21, 22 / Sco 12, 06 13:49 UTC
If someone likes to check, it's from here: https://www.satview.org/?sat_id=43049U
Sep 11, 22 / Sco 02, 06 10:47 UTC
But on our own map it shows 425 km altitude.. see below on the main page on the tracking map of Asgardia-1..
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