Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:27 UTC
What is the scope of any curriculum that Asgardia produces should have? Are there subjects that are beyond the scope of an Asgardian curriculum? Is there a curricular model out there that Asgardia should base its off of?
Jun 25, 17 / Leo 08, 01 07:09 UTC

This is a very reasonable question. Education is vital to the growth of Asgardia. I would look into the Finland education module but with an Asgardian twist.

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:27 UTC
In asking my questions, I am genuinely interested in having a discussion on the topic. I am an educator early in my career, and am eager to find other opinions from around the world. Personally I feel that any curriculum should be as broad as possible, as a diversity of ...
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