Jun 18, 23 / Leo 01, 07 14:28 UTC
I Voted
We have come a long way in five years.
Aug 2, 21 / Vir 18, 05 16:38 UTC
I just downloaded the Asgardia AR App from Google Play! Woow I must say I'm impressed. If have looked at it yet be sure to download it and give it a try... well worth the time to explore it.
Aug 15, 21 / Lib 03, 05 23:55 UTC
I couldn't get it even though my phone supports it, can we get the pure application file?
Apr 1, 21 / Tau 07, 05 17:23 UTC
I was able to open my Asgardia.space messages. The first message was from 2020 and the 2nd was from 2018. Something tells me that I have not received all of the messages people have sent. I'm just happy that I can at least open the email. There are still lots ...
Jun 20, 21 / Leo 03, 05 00:11 UTC
Indeed. To that point, I'm curious about the group(s) that set the vision for the technical infrastructure (datacenter?), apps, on-line presence, etc? Is that the Info & Comm group? Is there a "CTO"? Please advise on where I might find the out more info on this. I'd like to help. ...
Apr 1, 21 / Tau 07, 05 17:18 UTC
I would just like to thank all of the Asgardians who have reached out to congratulate me on my appointment to Minister of Information and Communication. Tomorrow I will have my first Ministers meeting. I will be discussing the changes I believe need to be made to increase communication among ...
Jun 20, 21 / Leo 03, 05 03:20 UTC
greetings - are the minutes of that Ministers meeting available somewhere? thanks!
Dec 25, 20 / Cap 24, 04 12:12 UTC
During this holiday season we at Asgardia Social would like to wish every Asgardian a happy and healthy holiday season! Merry Christmas Everyone!
Dec 9, 20 / Cap 08, 04 01:45 UTC
Follow the link and see what's new! https://www.asgardiasocial.space/activity/
Dec 24, 20 / Cap 23, 04 18:11 UTC
Hi Dennis, I received your message of verification on asgardia.social :)
Dec 9, 20 / Cap 08, 04 14:36 UTC
Never say never. Maybe we could use a technology I do not really like to achieve a gravitational effect. A large nuclear reaction in the core of the planet. A meltdown with a absurdly amount of iron to generate a self sufficient reaction, to generate a magnetic field. Maybe.
Nov 18, 20 / Sag 15, 04 14:17 UTC
Every day Asgardians are joining Asgardia Social. The more members we have the better it gets. There is already lots of activity on the site. If you have not joined us please do! www.asgardiasocial.space The admins have also been very busy and hard at work making Asgardia Social your number ...
Nov 18, 20 / Sag 15, 04 14:19 UTC
Hi Denis
Oct 20, 20 / Oph 14, 04 13:25 UTC
I’m happy to announce that groups for all countries have been created. Please join the group of your home country and or your residence. *Each group has a blog page to post information. *Each group has a forum to keep information organized. *Each group has a Chatroom for easy communication. ...
Oct 11, 20 / Oph 05, 04 02:35 UTC
Hi Everyone! Can you believe that 4 years have past already?! Asgardia is making progress in many different areas and is becoming recognized in the global community. There are many projects going on right now with many exciting ideas. One of the projects is the creation of Asgardia Social, a ...
Sep 18, 20 / Sco 10, 04 15:40 UTC
Welcome to the community! Please come and see the site at asgardiasocial.space. We will officially launch the site on the founding day of Asgardia, Ophiuchus 5th 0004 (October 11, 2020). We have interactive profile pages, instant messages, activity wall, media posts, Asgardia News, groups and lots more.
Sep 20, 20 / Sco 12, 04 13:24 UTC
verified :)
Sep 20, 20 / Sco 12, 04 10:58 UTC
Hello Everyone, Tonight I'll be doing an interview on Space Citizen News. We'll be discussing Asgardia Social and the parliament and much more. It will be very interesting please listen when it comes out.
Sep 18, 20 / Sco 10, 04 16:02 UTC
I look forward to the launching of the social site where we can stay connected with each other in real time! A big thank you to all who have worked tirelessly to bring this to reality for our community! Love to All
See all 4 comments
Feb 28, 20 / Ari 03, 04 23:38 UTC
Hello Everyone, I hope you all are doing well. I live in Japan and things here are starting to get a little crazy with the corona virus. I just wanted to say Thank you to all of you who have accepted and sent me friend requests. I have accepted all ...
Feb 29, 20 / Ari 04, 04 07:13 UTC
Dear chairman Dennis Shoemaker,,Thank you for your explanation regarding the agenda.
Feb 29, 20 / Ari 04, 04 07:13 UTC
You too dear Dennis, be safe wherever you are!
Feb 29, 20 / Ari 04, 04 01:34 UTC
I appreciate so much your words Chair Dennis Shoemaker
Aug 14, 18 / Lib 02, 02 08:09 UTC
Busy Days

Hello fellow Asgardians!

I know that I have been a little out of touch and I'm sorry for that. Life as we all know waits for no one, it just keeps moving along. Here is my update.

I have moved to a new ...

Nov 13, 18 / Sag 09, 02 12:55 UTC
Разработка темы Паралельный мир открывает возможности ВЕРНУТЬ свою молодость и продлить жизнь до бесканечности .Все это описывается в моей теме на форуме .Хотите вернуть свою молодость подключайтесь в помощь разработки данной темы .Смотрите тему Паралельный мир в разделе Наука и техника на форуме Асгардии .
Nov 11, 18 / Sag 07, 02 12:53 UTC
приглашаю посетить мою тему паралельный мир в разделе Наука и техника . Оставьте свое сообщение . https://asgardia.космос / ru / форум / форум / наука и техника-176
Aug 22, 18 / Lib 10, 02 13:05 UTC
Thank you for the update. :)
See all 8 comments
Apr 25, 18 / Gem 03, 02 23:55 UTC

It seems that the website is working much better than it was. That is good but the down side is now all of the unread messages are accessible. I have missed the chance to connect with many people.

If you have sent me a message and didn't ...

Aug 1, 18 / Vir 17, 02 03:21 UTC
I think it's possible if the people really want it.
Jul 28, 18 / Vir 13, 02 19:15 UTC
What do you think this Asgardia project can lead to changes in society?
Jun 25, 18 / Leo 08, 02 18:16 UTC
i voted for you please check my platform. thanks
Apr 3, 18 / Tau 09, 02 18:47 UTC
Censorship in Asgardia

Hello Everyone!

Now that We have most of the Parliament filled (and another election coming) I would like to take this moment to address the Parliament Members.

Due to our need for:

★One central location for news and information (that's easy to find). ...

Apr 25, 18 / Gem 03, 02 23:49 UTC
Thank you for your message. I'm happy to talk to you.
Apr 23, 18 / Gem 01, 02 17:43 UTC
Hi Dennis! My name is Sarah and I am a reporter for the show Radiolab at New York Public Radio. I’m working on a story about Asgardia and was hoping I could talk to you about being a citizen. Please add me as a friend and send me a message, ...
Apr 4, 18 / Tau 10, 02 16:29 UTC
Brilliant idea Mr. Shoemaker, you have my support.
See all 4 comments
Mar 10, 18 / Ari 13, 02 13:41 UTC
The Next Chapter

Shared from my post on FB.

Now with the elections over I would like to say congratulations to all of the Citizens who went through the long campaign.

As we move forward we must remember that this is the foundation future Asgardians ...

Mar 8, 18 / Ari 11, 02 16:04 UTC
This is it!

We are heading into the last day of the election. I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have voted for me and share you views on my platform. I also want to thank all Asgardians for their participation in this long race to ...

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