Dec 29, 17 / Cap 27, 01 18:54 UTC

This is our future. We will go to space to live. Enjoy the view, it's amazing. Happy holidays!

Dec 16, 17 / Cap 14, 01 10:19 UTC

Here is my proposal for setting up the education system for our youth. This is just an outline to help us get things moving.

(Please forgive the formatting)

The education debate has been growing and I would like to ...

Dec 6, 17 / Cap 04, 01 15:49 UTC
Today thinking about humanity

As we go about our busy days it's important to stop and look around us and consider everything going on around us every now and then. I know people think Asgardia is a dream that is out of touch, maybe even some of our Asgardians as well. When someone ...

Dec 1, 17 / Sag 27, 01 14:30 UTC
Election debate

I think I'm starting to understand the reason for the election changes. Article 48 of the Constitution states the parliament must be elected within 6 months of the ratification of the constitution. That is the reason of the date change. The only other thing that I believe can be ...

Nov 30, 17 / Sag 26, 01 20:31 UTC

It seems that the elections will end on January 1st and only candidates over the age of 40 will be eligible for the election. That means many people will not get a chance to run for office and it's upsetting quite a few. I'm in the over 40 ...

Nov 30, 17 / Sag 26, 01 17:50 UTC

I am extremely happy to see so many active Asgardians. We have come a long way in a short time and we have a lot more to do. Please don't get discouraged if it seems things are moving too slow. If it is moving slowly there are fewer chances ...

Nov 30, 17 / Sag 26, 01 06:32 UTC

Hello my fellow Asgardians!

The last few weeks have been busy for me at school and I'm sorry I haven't been online much. It seems things have started moving and people are voting. I wish to thank all those who have show confidence in my image of ...

Jun 29, 17 / Leo 12, 01 11:50 UTC
Leaving school today

It's days like today when I wonder what the future will be for the children of today. As I left school the floor where my office is was quiet. Looking in the classrooms you find small groups of students studying or chatting. I think about the challenges Asgardia's children ...

Jun 29, 17 / Leo 12, 01 01:08 UTC
Good Morning!

In my email this morning was a response from Asgardia saying my application was being reviewed and that I would be notified once the process was complete. I would just like voters to know as a teacher with 20 of experience with many years of committee budget experience, it ...

Jun 28, 17 / Leo 11, 01 00:49 UTC


Today looks more like spring than summer.



I have a favor to ask, please vote for me!


Jun 29, 17 / Leo 12, 01 03:50 UTC

みなさん もしよかったら。。。。LINE 友達になりますね! mx2012 お願いします!

Jun 26, 17 / Leo 09, 01 15:11 UTC

I got this email from about the Elections!

Nominating Yourself

Please remember that anyone can submit his or her candidacy, but you must only submit for one level at a time. If you have applied for more than one ...

Jun 24, 17 / Leo 07, 01 09:39 UTC

I would propose the following.

All programs which can be considered to be Youth or Education services or programs shall be governed by the Youth and Education Ministry. The Minister shall have the duties of researching, recommending programs and services which will serve to prepare all ...

Jun 23, 17 / Leo 06, 01 15:45 UTC

Now we can get down to the business of building our nation, space nation! I'm extremely excited about the coming future. Will we be able to keep our humble beginning and grow? Will it all fall apart or grow into something out of this world? I'm hoping for the ...

Jun 20, 17 / Leo 03, 01 01:33 UTC

On facebook today I see there are many people encountering the same problems over and over. Asgardia should appoint someone to oversee the website and keep it up to date. The deadline for the CONSTITUTION has passed but the site is continuing to accept votes. The site and elections ...

Jun 19, 17 / Leo 02, 01 23:48 UTC

My name is Dennis Shoemaker. I would like a place in the Asgardian government to represent Asgardians to insure fair and impartial treatment for all citizens and residents of Asgardia. ...

Oct 1, 18 / Sco 22, 02 16:08 UTC
Thanks for the complement. I don't believe I'm a one dimensional thinker, or even a one dimensional mind. I we need to be open to different ideas to make this idea of Asgardia real. I hope you stay involved and learn what kind of thinker I am. Thanks for taking ...
Sep 21, 18 / Sco 12, 02 16:37 UTC
Thank you for the question. Ideally we would like to live without the need for a currency in the future. However Asgardia will need to maintain trade relations with Earth Nations so we need a currency system. The coin designs will not be minted and put into circulation, that is ...
Sep 21, 18 / Sco 12, 02 16:19 UTC
Yes, I teach in high school.
See all 103 comments
Jun 16, 17 / Can 27, 01 09:50 UTC

So, I haven't been getting my emails recently but I got the latest one on the voting. However nothing was said about Who, When, How the vote was to take place.... I'm a little confused at the moment.

If you have any information please share it!

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