Jan 11, 18 / Aqu 11, 02 19:36 UTC
Jan 11, 18 / Aqu 11, 02 19:44 UTC
Namaste. }{ 11:33 AM 01/11/2018 Barrier (bărˈē-ər)► n. A structure, such as a fence, built to bar passage. n. Something immaterial that obstructs or impedes: Intolerance is a barrier to understanding. See Synonyms at obstacle. n. Physiology A membrane, tissue, or mechanism that blocks the passage of certain substances. The ...
Nov 28, 17 / Sag 24, 01 02:33 UTC


Timing for lack of better Decision on which words to best elucidate, if not on a positive spin on the terms of Karmic ties.

Eye continually Encounter this age old self induced concept of illusions of the false paths of this Dimensional ...

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