Feb 13, 18 / Pis 16, 02 14:09 UTC

Crear una sociedad desde 0 nos da la oportunidad de romper los vicios de las sociedades modernas. Asgardia tiene la oportunidad de romper estos vicios. Una sociedad basada en el avance de la ciencia, la tecnología sin los porblemas típicos de los estados terrestres nos permitirá avances mucho mayores. ...

Apr 3, 18 / Tau 09, 02 21:38 UTC
Dear Asgardian Brothers! Tomorrow 04-04, we remember the 50 years of the death of the "Man who had a dream". Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the perssonalities that had great influence in my formation. I do not need to tell you how much this man has been or ...
Apr 3, 18 / Tau 09, 02 21:38 UTC
Dear Asgardian Brothers! Tomorrow 04-04, we remember the 50 years of the death of the "Man who had a dream". Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the perssonalities that had great influence in my formation. I do not need to tell you how much this man has been or ...
Mar 31, 18 / Tau 06, 02 22:51 UTC
The ideas of the Asgardian Brothers are innovative, as they should be! I think the moment we're living is incredible. The construction of the NEW, from ideas and ideals based on free thought, fraternity, love, all creation and tolerance in all its forms, show us that our Nation is really ...
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