Jun 8, 20 / Can 20, 04 09:34 UTC
There are only a few days left to submit to join our Unity Day writing project. Submissions end on the 10th of June Send your 'Future Asgardian' journal entry to Ross@Nationbuilders.space see https://nationbuilders.space/unity for more information.
Jun 3, 20 / Can 15, 04 11:08 UTC
Yeah he is back with the podcast, Great work Ivan. Please check into the podcast and here about the parliament byelection, the prizes about the Nation Builder. https://www.spacecitizennews.com/scn028-podcast-episode-28/
Jun 4, 20 / Can 16, 04 03:42 UTC
Thank you Hadi!
Jun 2, 20 / Can 14, 04 15:54 UTC
Hey all, There is very important petition that would give the chance for people to be able to participate in our parliament election :D Check it out! https://asgardia.space/en/petitions/98716-change-in-parliament-candidate-age-for-general-election/
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