May 2, 18 / Gem 10, 02 04:15 UTC
We are One!

As One, we are bigger and more powerful!

We are heard!

And, we can challenge any country looking for its own interest, no matter how big it may be.

Because we are One.

Jun 29, 18 / Leo 12, 02 15:10 UTC
hello I would like to get the community together in one chat want to help?
May 1, 18 / Gem 09, 02 16:23 UTC

It is with Honor and privilege that I will represent the Asgardians of my district to our great Space Nation.

As one, we will explore and settle space, and look back down on mother earth and see how we are protecting our ...

May 15, 18 / Gem 23, 02 20:38 UTC
Hello Stephane, Just voted you after reading your platform and I need your support too. I would really appreciate your vote for me. Thank you ! Here is my Asgardian platform:".
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