Jul 25, 18 / Vir 10, 02 15:14 UTC

Welcome to Asgardia, the first-ever space nation that is open to all!

With its name stemming from the Viking Age myths of Asgard, a world that existed in the sky, Asgardia aims to create a free, independent nation outside of planet Earth. Participation is open to anyone ...

Jul 25, 18 / Vir 10, 02 14:59 UTC
Up there


  • Space Kingdom of Asgardia
  • Reino Espacial de Asgardia
  • 太空王国阿斯伽迪亚
  • Asgardia ...
May 30, 18 / Can 10, 02 05:06 UTC

Being an Asgardian 'we' can make advancement in science and technology . With these bundle of resources and access 'we' can create a better and brighter future.I stand to represent the ministry of science ,is a major port to all the developments. ...

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