Sep 8, 22 / Lib 27, 06 12:41 UTC
Welcome to Theatre Community
Let's welcome all Asgardian Theatre makers, directors, actors and writers
Sep 8, 22 / Lib 27, 06 12:42 UTC
Sep 8, 22 / Lib 27, 06 12:22 UTC
My theatre show (Chaplin Shadow)
My theatre show (Chaplin Shadow) in August 2022, in Cairo - Egypt. With my talented theatre team (Eskndriana)
Aug 6, 18 / Vir 22, 02 21:54 UTC

بالعلم والجهد والأخلاق نبني أمتنا ونصل بأبنائنا إلى بر الأمان .. علينا أن نشجع العمل الجاد والأخلاق القويمة لكي نبني دعائم قوية لمستقبلنا ومستقبل أولادنا .. يجب علينا جميعا أن نكون على يقين بأن مبادئنا الأساسية في بناء مستقبلنا تتلخص في :

1- الأخلاق القويمة والمبادئ الصحيحة ...

Jun 28, 18 / Leo 11, 02 20:02 UTC

How Should We get ideas to develop our Beginning Economy?

كيف يمكننا أن نحصل على أفكار جديدة لكي نطور اقتصادنا الناشئ ؟

Jun 29, 18 / Leo 12, 02 00:13 UTC
1- yes that's right, also we can make national products bought by Asgardians all over the world like T-shirts and clothes with Asgardia logo as a small contribution to build our economy 2- we can also invest ideas in the robotics, green energy and science fields
Jun 28, 18 / Leo 11, 02 21:06 UTC
1. We can develop new generation of software and sell it to all world . 2. We can invest in energy sources and have great profit . 3. Create new technology and sell it to all world
Jun 16, 18 / Can 27, 02 01:44 UTC

I know that there are many candidates have experience more than me, but I'm sure that I will use my administration and financial experience - gained during about 12 years of working for many establishments - in building our Asgardia future ☺

Jun 28, 18 / Leo 11, 02 03:08 UTC
thank you m.r ramadan
Jun 27, 18 / Leo 10, 02 04:32 UTC
Hi mohamed, of course , ask anything you want :)
Jun 27, 18 / Leo 10, 02 00:57 UTC
Hello Dear Ramadan I was born in Kafr El-Sheikh governorate and I want to get to know you and support some friends from my birthplace. I need some information about Asgaridia. Can you help me in that? Can you send me your phone number to support each other for asgardia ...
Jun 10, 18 / Can 21, 02 23:57 UTC

Justice, Equality, and Honesty

Jun 16, 18 / Can 27, 02 17:50 UTC
Many thanks Chathurika Herath ☺
Jun 15, 18 / Can 26, 02 15:55 UTC
Jun 14, 18 / Can 25, 02 15:52 UTC
Just now voted on you my friend:)
Jun 9, 18 / Can 20, 02 10:51 UTC
Encouraging ideas, promote your abilities

الكثيرون رفض تصديق فكرة الدولة الفضائية في بدايتها ولكننا سرعان ما أصبحنا من مؤيدي هذه الفكرة، خصوصا بعد إصرار أصحاب الفكرة على تنفيذها والسعي لجعلها حقيقة ملموسة وتحقيق خطوات رائعة نحو انشاء أمة ازجارديا الفضائية.

علينا جميعا أن نتعاون ونتكاتف لانجاح هذا الحلم ، علينا جميعا أن ...

Jun 6, 18 / Can 17, 02 22:54 UTC

Justice, science and ethics are the pillars of the powerful nation

العدل والعلم والأخلاق هي دعائم الأمة القوية

على شعب أزجارديا أن يرسخ المبادئ القوية التي تدعم بنيان هذه الأمة الناشئة ، وحتى يكون متاح ...

Jun 26, 18 / Leo 09, 02 07:15 UTC
following the regulations & make it clear to all Asgardians is the way to fulfill the honesty & loyalty for each and everyone, no need for lies or law and authority misuse.
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