Aug 6, 18 / Vir 22, 02 20:13 UTC

Dear People of Asgardia
Electoral region of Milan, Italy:

Hi everyone.

Thanks for listening to my official campaign kickoff. Thanks to the Nation of ...

Sep 23, 20 / Sco 15, 04 18:14 UTC
#AsgardiaByElections0004 People that love science, read my proposals to Parlament, and if liked, I humble I ask for your vote. Science and Reason First Engineer, Master in Signal Processing at a Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, I worked in the aerospace sector at StarOne and currently a civil ...
Jun 26, 19 / Leo 09, 03 17:19 UTC
Once again, please accept my congratulations
Aug 28, 18 / Lib 16, 02 11:06 UTC
Colgo l'occasione per informare e condividere una pagina Facebook con tutti gli asgardiani italiani candidati a sindaco e a ministro:
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