Jun 27, 18 / Leo 10, 02 03:26 UTC

Asgardian economy must be based on an last generation tecnology platform as a blockchain or tangle, based on the principles of sustainability, consensus, solidarity and crowfunding. Our nation should not emulate and copy banking practices that create money from nothing to generate debt. We together will avoid Asgardia become ...

Oct 21, 20 / Oph 15, 04 15:41 UTC
saludos asgardiano... de que parte de vzla eres
Aug 29, 18 / Lib 17, 02 04:36 UTC
Sorry I have not seen your message before. In response to your query: Perhaps it is thought that the entire decentralized crypt system is basically a tool of speculation, and as long as there is no real adoption, there will not be a credible ACCOUNT UNIT for any economy that ...
Aug 28, 18 / Lib 16, 02 15:22 UTC
But how would a decentralized monetary system not be vulnerable to financial speculation? Couldn't the lack of regulation allow an instable economy and dificulties in the day to day market buys, like daily changes in the price of an orange, for example?
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