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France, Solaize
Jun 9, 18 / Can 20, 02 14:29 UTC
Asgardia, la cité de l'univers

Être un Être de l'Univers! Appartenir à un monde sans frontière, sans distinction d'aucune sorte! Œuvrer pour le bien de tous et vivre une aventure intergalactique incroyable... n'est ce pas cela la finalité de l'Homme?! Tellement hâte

May 17, 18 / Gem 25, 02 08:09 UTC

In the evening of Wednesday, May 9th, I received a message from Administration informing me that, as an elected Member of Parliament, I had been placed “under review” as a consequence of multiple complaints about some of my posts/activities in the last few weeks preceding that message.


Aug 9, 18 / Vir 25, 02 13:56 UTC
A few days ago, in a phone conversation with a person from the Administration of the Head of Nation, I was cleared from my suspension and have been allowed, if I wanted, to run for any open election. I was encouraged by many to run for Mayorship in my City ...
Jul 25, 18 / Vir 10, 02 00:46 UTC
Dear krass09, dear friends, I have been cleared from all accusations/denunciations in a message that was sent to me on May 21st. However, that same message announced that when I had shared the letter mentioned above, I had breached the NDA formerly signed when I was asked to as an ...
Jul 24, 18 / Vir 09, 02 11:13 UTC
So, are you still under internal review?
See all 10 comments
Mar 9, 18 / Ari 12, 02 22:12 UTC

Dear fellow Asgardian Citizens!

We're back for our fourth update, less than an hour from the end of the First Parliamentary Elections of Asgardia!!

DISCLAIMER : this is like a screenshot of the elections at a given time. Please note ...

Mar 9, 18 / Ari 12, 02 22:30 UTC
Nicely put together
Mar 8, 18 / Ari 11, 02 12:15 UTC

Dear fellow Asgardian Citizens!

Back for our third update, one day before the end of our elections. We’ll first see today the progression of votes based on data retrieved today, March 8th, 7:34am UTC.
And today, we will show interesting data about the languages of our ...

Mar 8, 18 / Ari 11, 02 12:48 UTC
Salut Ivan, j'ai lu votre plate-forme et j'ai voté pour vous. Je vous invite à jeter un coup d'oeil à ma plateforme et votre vote me soutiendra vraiment. Merci beaucoup.
Mar 7, 18 / Ari 10, 02 11:09 UTC
Elections through Data, part


Dear fellow Asgardian Citizens!

Back for an update since our first post yesterday. We’ll see today the progression of votes based on data retrieved today, March 7th, 7:54am UTC.

DISCLAIMER : this is like a screenshot of ...

Mar 8, 18 / Ari 11, 02 01:16 UTC
Thank yo for your hard work, Ivan.
Mar 7, 18 / Ari 10, 02 16:57 UTC
Thanks for the update Mr. Ivan.
Mar 7, 18 / Ari 10, 02 14:21 UTC
Thank you Ivan - good job!
See all 4 comments
Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 09:35 UTC

Dear fellow Asgardian Citizens!

If like me, you are curious and wish to know a bit more about the election demographics, then you might be interested in the following information I compiled, based on the available data retrieved today, March 6th, 6:27am UTC.

Mar 7, 18 / Ari 10, 02 08:01 UTC
Good job as always, nice
Mar 7, 18 / Ari 10, 02 07:25 UTC
Hello !!! I read your platform and I voted for you. I invite you to know my campaign, and return your vote for me. Access my profile and vote for me please. All the Best !!!
Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 12:59 UTC
Nice idea :)
See all 7 comments
Mar 4, 18 / Ari 07, 02 23:35 UTC
An idea regarding recognition

The idea that this project, which is what it is, will gain any sort of recognition, is nonsense.

What the heads of this project, and those being elected to server as parliament members, should be focused on, instead, is establishment as a functionally independent entity with the ...

Feb 21, 18 / Pis 24, 02 21:50 UTC

Operation: Treasury

By Ivan Rosel & Ross Cheeseright | 21/02/2018


In the text of Decree 15, HoN Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli announced ...

Apr 5, 18 / Tau 11, 02 21:13 UTC
Excellent! Please send me un private your email address so that I can add you to the work group!
Apr 5, 18 / Tau 11, 02 04:48 UTC
Me encantaría
Mar 10, 18 / Ari 13, 02 05:51 UTC
Я так пониманию Асгардии от нас нужны деньги.Космическому государству нужны земные деньги :-D Со временем будем вкладываться в виртуальную валюту Солар?Будто бы строим космическое государство ,а на самом деле ведем торг между собою. Мне хватает одного космического корабля под названием Земля.
See all 22 comments
Feb 7, 18 / Pis 10, 02 22:58 UTC
Members of Parliament, Ministers and their staff should be paid.

That may sound to you as an evidence but I came to realise that it is not one for every Asgardian citizen. First, I saw comments about “Members of Parliament should be volunteering, not paid” then a citizen saying in the AGO on Facebook [ ...

Aug 31, 20 / Lib 20, 04 03:15 UTC
Why not tax corporations that join under Asgardia nation. We can have diplomatic relation with other countries for tax purpose.
May 25, 18 / Can 05, 02 03:15 UTC
Having read with interest the above documents I feel we are moving a little too fast. Asgardia is a unique concept by Dr Igor Ashurbeyli. I find the concept fantastic.Along with it we have also received a very interesting proposal regarding MBR Space Settlement Challenge which the UAE authorities have ...
Feb 22, 18 / Pis 25, 02 11:56 UTC
It is not possible to pay for elected representatives without some form of taxation. In the first phase of structuring our State this is impossible, inconvenient, inappropriate.All emerging states have started with some forms of voluntary participation and representation. This is obligatory to happen here as well. It is not ...
See all 7 comments
Jan 15, 18 / Aqu 15, 02 18:13 UTC

Does anybody know where you ask for asgardian citizenship for your children ?

Quelqu'un sait où on demande la nationalité asgardienne pour nos enfants ?

Feb 16, 18 / Pis 19, 02 06:18 UTC
Oui, pour le moment ce sont les élections parlementaires sur Asgardia. Il est important de voter (tu as jusqu'à 150 votes à placer !) pour former le Parlement. C'est lui qui votera les lois qui permettront de répondre à ta question :)
Nov 23, 17 / Sag 19, 01 15:28 UTC
random draw candidate, district france

Organize a worldwide representation of Random Draw candidates for Asgard kingdom
Make them win because we will all benefit from the first worldwide democracy.

Nov 14, 17 / Sag 10, 01 12:10 UTC
Feb 14, 19 / Pis 17, 03 21:29 UTC
It's down.
Jul 27, 17 / Vir 12, 01 09:25 UTC
Create something Bigger

I always believe in the opportunity to create something bigger, something different from what we have.

Today as a new Asgardian, I want to change things and with my work and what I do every day, I know that I can become a great ambassador and even ...

Jul 4, 17 / Leo 17, 01 14:04 UTC

Hello World

Jun 21, 17 / Leo 04, 01 15:07 UTC


Jun 1, 18 / Can 12, 02 12:27 UTC
Bonjour Mélissa, je ne me suis pas encore trop documenté non plus mais vivre dans l'espace reviendrai, à mon avis, à vivre dans une station spatiale, c'est le plus réaliste à mon sens.
Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 12:25 UTC
We come from a pale blue dot, but we're made for the infinity

Dear Asgardians,

That's a photo of us, our planet from the edge of our solar system, We could seems infinitely little compared to the attonishing vastness of the universe and indeed we are, but inside us, we can touch and grasp the infinity.

It was ...

Jul 3, 17 / Leo 16, 01 20:36 UTC

Salut voisin asgariden de la région Lyon-Suisse !
J'aimerai pouvoir faire se rencontrer les différents Asgardiens de la région roannaise. Es-tu partant et dispo ?
Si oui, peux-tu m'envoyer un message sur ?
À bientôt j'espère !

Jun 15, 17 / Can 26, 01 07:27 UTC


Make America great again


Make our planet great again

pourquoi pas simplement

Make the universe great at first with Asgardia

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:28 UTC
Euthanasia assisted, consented, legally validated ?
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:28 UTC
Medicine must be centered on care, and when it's not possible to cure relieving suffering, not death. The real problem is around suffering.
Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 09:25 UTC
Bonjour, je suis français (de France), je fais parti des premiers inscris a Asgardia et je suis très content de faire parti de cet aventure. Je me suis inscris avec mon épouse, au tout début. Je suis sincèrement désolé, je ne parle aucune autre langue (je suis très mauvais en ...