Feb 20, 18 / Pis 23, 02 03:06 UTC
How to unfriend somebody? ¶
There is no other choice other then to accept friend request. When somebody wants to write you in private chat he/she can't do that until they are friends of you. So I need to accept all friend requests to allow such possibility. But after some time I discovered, that friends post nonverified antiscientific information like this - https://asgardia.space/en/blog/24566-a-39time-traveler39-says-he-returned-from-the-year-5000-and-has-bad-news/ or that - https://asgardia.space/en/blog/23413-red-people-can-be-de-facto-asgardians/
I want to be able to unfriend such people to not read such things. But see no UI elements in the interface of this site.