Feb 27, 18 / Ari 02, 02 16:33 UTC

SOLAR/LUNAR Contest Page Bugs  

There are several bugs in regards to the SOLAR/LUNAR contest page, especially in the Gallery section where some submitted designs disappear and flicker the image when scrolling through the page.

I also want to note that the contest and competition pages are not easily available to find or get to. Would it be possible to have a main link for Asgardians to find all of our country's competitions in the website's drop-down menu? I'm sure it would save many headaches for admin and moderator staff, as well as give the contest and participants the real attention they need to succeed.

  Last edited by:  Scuro Megan Acheson (Asgardian, Candidate)  on Feb 27, 18 / Ari 02, 02 18:19 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 01:04 UTC

I don't know how many entries to this contest there are (maybe there just haven't been that many submissions), but I think the page needs a serious update to see if it's actually working properly.

  Last edited by:  Simon Spencer (Asgardian)  on Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 01:04 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 22:35 UTC

AGREED. The contest page has only been showing the same 5 submissions since the contest released. I feel it's unfair for those that have their submissions in for a long while and are still getting unrecognized. The designs in the forum and Facebook posts are GORGEOUS! Why are we waiting so long to see these in the contest gallery?

  Last edited by:  Scuro Megan Acheson (Asgardian, Candidate)  on Mar 6, 18 / Ari 09, 02 22:35 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Mar 10, 18 / Ari 13, 02 10:36 UTC

Dear all,

The link for Contest Rules doesn't work, it leads to Not Found page. Could that be fixed please? :)



Mar 13, 18 / Ari 16, 02 16:55 UTC

Dear all,

I checked up the contest rules today but the link disappeared, so there's still no opportunity to see them. Is it possible to make it transparent what the rules of the contest are? :)



Mar 13, 18 / Ari 16, 02 19:06 UTC

Dear All,

There's always people that can help in the discord server.


Mar 14, 18 / Ari 17, 02 04:06 UTC

Hola estimadas.es para decirte que mi diseño de moneda solar y lunar aparece 2 veces en la lista. Creo que por error envié los diseños 2 veces. Por favor, dime qué se puede hacer en ese caso. Gracias. gracias por adelantado