Dec 6, 17 / Cap 04, 01 19:27 UTC

Candidate James O'Neill (District #1 - English) - AMA (Ask Me Anything)  

I am a candidate for District #1 - English.

Here is my:

* Candidacy Profile
* my well organized 24 page Candidacy Platform on Google Docs
* TLDR; Candidacy Platform Sheet
* Commentary on the Asgardia Constitution (first pass is done)

The Case for an Asgardian Economic System:

* Part 1: The Problem
* Part 2: The Solution
* Part 3: The Implementation

You can vote for me here:  District #1 - English!

THis is my AMA thread, so go ahead and ask me anything!

Here is if my Reddit AMA thread too you would prefer.

  Last edited by:  James O'Neill (Asgardian)  on Dec 13, 17 / Cap 11, 01 04:35 UTC, Total number of edits: 5 times
Reason: added Reddit link

Dec 13, 17 / Cap 11, 01 04:44 UTC

Why Consider Me?:  

* I have traveled the world a bit to over 10 countries and my wife is from Belarus
* I have micronational experience and have been elected to office
* I have spent over a decade researching why our world is sooo messed up
* I have been involved in political activism - involved with a protests and have written many blog articles
* I am a Veteran of the Iraq War (Navy)
* I am a Business Owner
* I am a life long Technophile and Geek
* I am passionate about changing the World

Dec 14, 17 / Cap 12, 01 00:44 UTC

OK, so I changed my stance on min age to run for parliament. I think it should be 18.

Here is my post about it:

Mar 10, 18 / Ari 13, 02 22:53 UTC


  Last edited by:  John Skieswanne (Asgardian)  on Mar 10, 18 / Ari 13, 02 22:57 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time