Jan 30, 17 / Pis 02, 01 15:23 UTC

Civic.Asgardia Activity Report  

The weekly minutes from our senior staff meeting are posted in our public documents folder.


  Last edited by:  Steve Miller (Asgardian, Global Admin)  on Jan 30, 17 / Pis 02, 01 15:24 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Apr 30, 17 / Gem 08, 01 01:10 UTC

Good afternoon to the whole group of asgardia space I would like to make available to you a very interested person in being able to launch your satellite into space is a young entrepreneur who has a peculiar launch system I would like what is the possibility of making a strategic partnership with this Company for the launch of the asgardia satelliteThis ts the web page for more infowww.rippleaerospace.com please fill out a payload request form on "book my flight" and we can talk.T

Thebproposal was already sent to asgardia and awaiting response to do B2B with igor whenever they want I also sent an invitation to the Montreal conference I hope you can speak personally is Norwegian and what I could hear has great plans here for the next 25 years