Jan 5, 17 / Aqu 05, 01 06:30 UTC

Consolidate the core  

2113/5000 A greeting to all the people who have joined this great project, I think the following should be a very careful discussion, because on the political side most of you will agree, but we must define these aspects as in essence this is part of many states, However, problems and intolerance are still there.

Much has been said about LGBT, religious beliefs and other issues, but I do not consider that our constitution should cover the labels that erroneously use other states, we must address ourselves as simply human, ie we must ensure that every human being, regardless of gender , Race, belief or preferences is taken and treated with the same benefits and duties, every human should have the right to life, freedom and a dignified treatment as long as this does not interfere in a harmful way towards another human being or, if applicable, Imposition, there should be no laws or be considered as a special crime or different categorization to every criminal event that occurs against any of these labels because if someone kills another human being is simply homicide, there should be no hate crimes since all crime is bad and Hatred within them, all must be treated in the same way, there must no longer be communities or minorities, they must all be part of a single community, governed by a law, enjoying the same privileges and obtaining the same obligations.

Therefore, decisions on what to believe, who to choose and how to live should be free for all without misgivings or criticism, I understand that this simple though it may become complex in the minds of people, but I invite you to think lightly, Because all of us who follow the project want a prosperous future for humanity and what better way to achieve it than being the example, because to teach others first we must acquire the knowledge of what really works and define where we want to reach. This in short must be our core and focus those ideals to the expansion of science, knowledge and research.

"Un saludo a toda la gente que se ha unido a este gran proyecto, considero que lo siguiente debe ponerse una discusión muy cuidadosa, pues en el lado político la mayoría de ustedes estará de acuerdo, pero debemos definir estos aspectos ya que en esencia esto es parte de numerosos estados, sin embargo, los problemas y la intolerancia siguen estando ahí.

Mucho se ha hablado sobre el tema LGBT, creencias religiosas y demás temas, sin embargo no considero que nuestra constitución deba abarcar las etiquetas que erróneamente utilizan otros estados, debemos dirigirnos como simplemente humanos, es decir debemos asegurar que cada ser humano, sin importar género, raza, creencia o preferencias sea tomado y tratado con los mismos beneficios y deberes, todo humano debe tener derecho a la vida, libertad y un trato digno siempre y cuando esto no interfiera de forma dañina hacia otro ser humano o en su caso de forma impositiva, no debe haber leyes o ser considerado como delito especial o de categorización diferente cada acontecimiento criminal que ocurra contra alguna de estas etiquetas pues si alguien mata a otro ser humano es simplemente homicidio, no debe haber crímenes de odio pues todo crimen encierra mal y odio en su seno, todos deben ser tratados de la misma manera, ya no deben existir comunidades o minorías, todos deben formar parte de una sola comunidad, regida por una ley, que goce de los mismos privilegios y obtenga las mismas obligaciones.

Por tanto, las decisiones de en qué creer, a quien elegir y cómo vivir deben ser libres para todos sin recelos o críticas, entiendo que esto aunque simple puede llegar a ser complejo en las mentes de las personas, pero les invito a pensar ligeramente, pues todos los que seguimos el proyecto deseamos un futuro próspero para la humanidad y que mejor forma de lograrlo que siendo el ejemplo, pues para enseñar a otros primero debemos adquirir el conocimiento de lo que en verdad funciona y definir hacia donde queremos llegar.

Esto en resumen debe ser nuestro núcleo y enfocar esos ideales a la expansión de la ciencia, el conocimiento y la investigación."

Jan 5, 17 / Aqu 05, 01 07:40 UTC

I agree 100%. The fewer words, the better. None of us have a clue about the future, so every detail, seen in an unimaginable context, can become a potential landmine.

Jan 5, 17 / Aqu 05, 01 20:51 UTC

concuerdo al 100% (i agree too)

english: In fact, we must think reasonably, at some point the rights ceased to be only for Humans, and should include the autonomous artificial intelligence and living beings that we are now known as intelligent (monkeys, dolphins, whales, etc), only here if we do not discover that we are not alone in the multiverse

spanish: de hecho. debemos pensar razonablemente, en algun momento los derechos, dejaran de ser solamente humanos, y deberan incluir a maquinas inteligentes autonomas, y otros seres vivos que estamos descubriendo ahora que son inteligentes a su manera (monos, delfines, ballenas, etc), solo eso si no descubrimos que no estamos solos en el universo multidimensional

  Last edited by:  kseltar - (Asgardian)  on Jan 5, 17 / Aqu 05, 01 20:51 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jan 6, 17 / Aqu 06, 01 20:47 UTC

I agree, 100%. The most important part of our constitution--THE single most important part to include--is the assertion that we are human, and that by virtue just of being a human, we should be afforded similar rights and responsibilities.

Jan 6, 17 / Aqu 06, 01 20:59 UTC

I totally agree with your comment. It also seems to me that if we change all names / definitions to "human" at some point we should also include (as Kseltar said) how we will act with intelligences or living entities that can not be categorized as human.

Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con su comentario. Igualmente me parece que si cambiaramos todos los nombres/definiciones por "humano" en algun punto deberiamos tambien incluir (como dijo kseltar) como accionaremos con inteligencias o entes vivos que no pueden ser categorizados como humanos.

Jan 7, 17 / Aqu 07, 01 04:24 UTC

Maybe we could expand the definition to include both "human" (appearing physically human with the biological characteristics of a human); and "human-like" (having intelligent sentience similar to that of a human, but lacking typical human biological characteristics).

  Last edited by:  Shawn Crawford (Asgardian)  on Jan 7, 17 / Aqu 07, 01 04:24 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: Mis-spelling

Jan 7, 17 / Aqu 07, 01 11:22 UTC

"Much has been said about LGBT, religious beliefs and other issues, but I do not consider that our constitution should cover the labels that erroneously use other states, we must address ourselves as simply human"

That was the point in the first place but people wanted to bring current baggage they're conditioned to with them instead or starting clean and relatively proper.

Apparently homo sapien/human is far too broad/basic for some due to the mix of older/younger generations. Being that broad/basic is too offensive in some way or not good enough.

That was the initial concept of asgardia.

  Last edited by:  Asgardian 38254 (BANNED, Asgardian)  on Jan 7, 17 / Aqu 07, 01 11:23 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jan 8, 17 / Aqu 08, 01 04:15 UTC

It's not about personal offense: believe me, my friend, I am the absolute last person who gives a damn about offending people who have overly-sensitive feelings No, the reason I suggested to include "human-like" in the definition is to cover our butts when we see aliens. And believe me, we will!