Jun 26, 17 / Leo 09, 01 02:22 UTC

Make approval section by section  

I suggested in a reply post that constitution acceptance/voting might be more effective if done section by section, rather than just the whole constitution at once. Each prospective citizen may flag sections which they would like to change as not approved. Each section of the constitution would be able to have a comment from the disapproving citizen, containing arguments or suggestions, and comments could be rated and ranked by other voters, meaning a voter may choose to rate an existing comment rather than make one, in order to have their voice. 

Jun 26, 17 / Leo 09, 01 03:44 UTC

Oiss-fart around to question master ash ultimate plans...

  Updated  on Jun 26, 17 / Leo 09, 01 04:24 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jun 26, 17 / Leo 09, 01 17:47 UTC

Removed post

  Last edited by:  Carol Lynn Lockhart (Candidate, Asgardian, Member of the Parliament)  on Jun 26, 17 / Leo 09, 01 17:51 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: Double post

Jun 26, 17 / Leo 09, 01 17:48 UTC

I agree with the proposal  all for a section by section vote. Yes or no. That way Articles may be changed before a final vote.

Jun 26, 17 / Leo 09, 01 20:56 UTC

Also (i should read it better, so I am not making redundant comments, but), I think the constitution should be merely a draft concept by design, which is only intended as a frame-work for the "real" constitution, which will be written as a more collective action. So accepting the constitution is more an agreement to participate in creating it.

Jun 26, 17 / Leo 09, 01 23:59 UTC

tsmspace on 26 June 2017, 8:56 p.m.

Also (i should read it better, so I am not making redundant comments, but), I think the constitution should be merely a draft concept by design, which is only intended as a frame-work for the "real" constitution, which will be written as a more collective action. So accepting the constitution is more an agreement to participate in creating it.

No, it is not! As the administrators and moderators of this site will tell you, it is not a draft. It IS the Constitution. Not a preface to a new constitution. Your chance to participate in the creation of Asgardia’s Constitution began in December 2016! If you were not active in the forums from January 2017, you have not contributed to the Constitution in its current form. The first draft was presented on May 18th! It is less a framework and more a corporate governance all members are demanded to comply.

With regards to approving the Constitution Article by Article, I completely agree this should be done.

Jun 27, 17 / Leo 10, 01 02:26 UTC

Well, one thing is,, Asgardia is a long ways from being a colony. It is a web-based community preparing to launch a satellite with some time-capsule entries, and some dreamy although possible goals. When it comes time for someone to pack up and move to space on Asgardian infrastructure, there will be a bunch of specific needs for governace, and a need for an agreeable way for everyone to be a citizen of these needs. The constitution as it is right now cannot possibly address all of the future needs ,, many of them will have to be addressed as they occur.

Jun 28, 17 / Leo 11, 01 11:02 UTC

@tsmspace(Asgardian) on 27 June 2017, 2:26 a.m.

Well, one thing is,, Asgardia is a long ways from being a colony. It is a web-based community preparing to launch a satellite with some time-capsule entries, and some dreamy although possible goals. When it comes time for someone to pack up and move to space on Asgardian infrastructure, there will be a bunch of specific needs for governace, and a need for an agreeable way for everyone to be a citizen of these needs. The constitution as it is right now cannot possibly address all of the future needs ,, many of them will have to be addressed as they occur.

No doubt. There should be some sort of social contract whereby most can agree and live together. However, the implementation of this has left much to be desired. As others have mentioned, they have essentially placed the Cart in front of the proverbial horse without a driver to explain why. Aside from the fact we reach this social media website via the internet, there is little to keep us glued together beyond a dream of living in space. They haven't, as far as I have seen, really given us a goal to work together on in building any of the tech needed to get Humanity into Space. 

You don't have a beach party and ask people to build a boat without asking how they can help build that boat. Furthermore, it's a moot point to get people excited in your dream when you don't include them in the process to build it. Anyway, I have real life calling me...