Jan 14, 17 / Aqu 14, 01 03:28 UTC
Re: To protect the Asgardian nation, how should we treat...? ¶
How we should treat;
Terrorism: Pity the poor tools.
Espionage: Anyone observing data security would already know the answers here and such shouldn't be much of an issue. Besides, the act of open source should make it difficult to steal public information.
The leak of confidential information: As a factor borne entirely of the human element of the system, this is the most dififcult to prevent. Logical solution would be to replace the human with AI but that's not practical in most cases at the moment. How we should treat this specifically shouldn't be written into the constitution - only that it's not good. The way to deal with problems should be flexible, as each case is different and over time things can change. Thusly the constitution should reflect this is unacceptable, and at a later date when defining other law of this nature the ministry of justice persue it further detail. From the general sentiments of what i've seen various educational responses should be mostly favoured.
Homicide: As above, it should refelct in the constitution that intentionally depriving another of life is to be unacceptable, but what quite should be done about it should be defined elsewhere. Again, the general sentiments here would reflect educational responses, and where unsucessful potentially longterm incarciration and I've even heard some talks of exile.