I can agree with the nuclear reactor being a main contributor to the power grid, and have even found studies showing that the CO2 emissions from the reactor can be recycled into a fuel source as well, allowing for less wasted material. As far as the mass of people and personal effects moving around the wheel though, I would think that the distribution around the wheel, along with the mass of people/mass of station ratio would keep the center of mass fairly constant, unless there was ever cause to congregate 100,000 people in one area at one time, and short of mass evacuation, I don't see that happening. I am not trying to debunk your math at all, merely stating my view on the subject, so please correct me and explain if I am wrong.
On another note.
Beyond just generating the power needed to accommodate a station this size, does anyone know how large the reserve batteries would have to be to hold the excess/reserve energy generated?
Another use for the CO2 emissions could be to provide an atmosphere for the station, I made mention to this in my post to "Asgardia: A Self sustaining Atmosphere" under the Biological Sciences Forum, as well as a link to a NASA site describing how they would do that.