Jun 19, 17 / Leo 02, 01 22:13 UTC

Launch platform and how to construct the Asgardia space station?  

Well, there's only one way to get to space, and that is having a launch platform. I was wondering if Asgardia will have it's own launch platform, or maybe renting space from NASA or any other space agencies, preferably on the best location to launch from. Now, how to build our home for our nation. I would imagine that the space station could be built in space, connecting very large pieces, like with the International Space Station, but in a far more advanced way. Maybe do a lot of the engineering work in space, rather on the ground, and the work will be done a lot quicker to assemble the Asgardian space station. Parts could be shipped from Earth, or if there are any other resources nearby to get, if it will be allowed when that time comes.

We have exciting years ahead of us, and i hope this will last for generations to come.

  Last edited by:  Kristoffer Stendal (Asgardian)  on Jun 20, 17 / Leo 03, 01 05:49 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times

Jun 20, 17 / Leo 03, 01 06:15 UTC


Sending parts off the ground is terribly difficult and expensive. Recently I read an article about 3D printing in space. This technology will enable the creation of large-size materials without the need to transport them into space.

Link to the source: http://antyweb.pl/archinaut-kosmiczna-fabryka/?&&%3A%20Antyweb%20(AntyWeb)

It was good to send small autonomous drones into the space to collect useful materials and minerals in one place, which would make it easier to start construction.


Wysyłanie części z powierzchni ziemi jest strasznie trudne i kosztowne. Ostatnio czytałem artykuł o drukowaniu 3D w kosmosie. Technologia ta umożliwi tworzenie materiałów o dużych gabarytach bez potrzeby transportowania ich w kosmos.

Link do źródła: http://antyweb.pl/archinaut-kosmiczna-fabryka/?&&%3A%20Antyweb%20(AntyWeb)

Swoją drogą dobrze było by wysłać w przestrzeń małe autonomiczne drony by zbierały przydatne materiały i minerały w jedno miejsce co ułatwiło by start z budową.

Jun 20, 17 / Leo 03, 01 06:54 UTC

Well, 3D printing is getting very popular so why not? The 3D printer itself need to be quite big though. I know the International Space Station already has a 3D printer so we know that 3D printing in zero gravity is possible.

Jun 20, 17 / Leo 03, 01 07:14 UTC


Yes 3D printing is very popular. The only problem is just to find the right material that will replace the filament and become so durable and versatile as building materials on earth. Where to get them? The possibilities are full. Today they print from plain plastic through steel and sand to live tissues. Somewhere there were attempts, probably by NASA, to print from the lunar regolith. The question of whether the design of a station involves the use of earth or space materials for structural components.


Tak druk 3D jest bardzo popularny. Jedynym problemem to tylko znaleźć odpowiedni materiał, który zastąpi filament i stanie się na tyle trwały i uniwersalny jak materiały budowlane na ziemi. Skąd w takim razie je brać? Możliwości jest pełno. Dziś drukują używając od zwykłego plastiku przez stal i piasek aż do żywych tkanek. Gdzieś też były próby, chyba przez NASA by drukować z księżycowego regolitu. Pytanie czy projekt budowy stacji zakłada użycie materiałów ziemskich czy kosmicznych do elementów konstrukcyjnych.

Jun 20, 17 / Leo 03, 01 07:24 UTC

That's where the problem is. First Asgardia needs to be a United Nations member, then it must be discussed with the UN whether mining will be allowed in space. But think about the profit on it, and how much can be saved by doing so. I don't say mining planets, but maybe mining asteroids, and possibly the Moon too, whether they have the right material for it.

Jun 20, 17 / Leo 03, 01 12:06 UTC

The major problem now is that we don't have proven technology yet. In order to build a space station you must be sure that everything works fine (you don't want to be the first to kill a human in space), but that involves a lot of testing on the ground and in space (ISS) and requires a huge amount of time and money.

Jun 21, 17 / Leo 04, 01 06:22 UTC


It seems to me that the technologies we already have and even they are tested. The only space station that is currently running is one example, and the other is hundreds of submarines that probably swim in waters all over the world. They are an example of placing a larger group of people in an isolated environment.
As far as discussions with the UN and other organizations are concerned, it will probably end up allowing for construction and operation, but imposing a huge tax that will limit the profitability of Asgardia production to the minimum needed.


Wydaje mi się, iż technologie już mamy i nawet są one przetestowane. Sama stacja kosmiczna która aktualnie działa to jeden przykład, a drugim są setki łodzi podwodnych które zapewne pływają w wodach na całym świecie. Są one przykładem na umieszczenie większej grupy ludzi w izolowanym środowisku.
Jeśli chodzi o dyskusje z ONZ i innymi organizacjami to pewnie skończy się na tym, że zezwolą na budowę i eksploatację, ale narzucą ogromny podatek, który ograniczy opłacalność wydobycia dla Asgardii do potrzebnego minimum