Feb 4, 17 / Pis 07, 01 14:00 UTC
Online and safe voting system ¶
[Personal] Asgardians are located everywhere in the world. We all know that.
We also know that The Head of Nation, Igor Ashurbeyli will be head of Nation until "Asgardia adopts a Constitution and elects its authorities".
But how are we going to vote in order to elect our authorities?
USA have an online voting system for its presidential elections. We've all seen its flows (AKA "Russian" hacking). And at the same time, can we really think about doing it with paper? We're all around the world, that would be a tremendous task. And cheating would be really hard to counter (if possible).
So, what choices are we left with? We can't do it using paper votes. And online votes are not secure enough using the traditional ways.
I, personally, have been looking around and wondering how one could achieve such thing as a online and safe voting system. There have been new proposals and drafts using the blockchain, during the past year. That's the technology used for crypto-money such as BitCoins. It basically tracks every changes and allow everyone to verify the votes has not been tampered with.
I believe having a reliable software to handle public votes is extremely important for the future of Asgardia. I hope it is something discussed already amongst Officials because it definitely is something difficult to achieve nowadays and needs qualified people working on it. Also, it is a big project, no one alone can handle such task.
For all those reasons, and even more, I started working on a draft about the functional specifications of such project and I'd like this to be discussed by the community.
For instance, I believe we should be able to do traditional votes (list of people to vote for, each person will vote for one person and one only), but also more advanced-cases where we can vote for multiple people at once, upvoting or downvoting them. I believe the later is much better because it involves people more and give an actual choice. Today with our elections we feel required to vote for someone in order to vote against someone else. I believe we should be able to vote for the people we believe in and downvote those we don't. But, it is my personal opinion on the matter.
I published the draft itself on GitHub so everyone can read it, open issues, and propose changes through Pull Requests.
Let us know what you think about all that.
Thank you.
Reason: This is not an official post, adding [Personal] tag