From what I can tell there is not a strong planetary exploration force of any kind, I mean there is the International Space Station, but what exactly has it accomplished that has benefited society ? What I do not understand is why has not the scientific community come together across the globe, to make a solid, workable space probe, to travel at the fastest speed possible, even if it takes generations to reach the next star system and is only nothing but sensors, cameras, and computers.
Where are the explorers ? I have posted a thread regarding Von B, and his workable plan to reach Mars. It was shut down and his career was tanked. But instead we have N.A.S.A screwing around with a dead planet like Mars, or deplanetizing Pluto... Or at least come together to make a space station on the moon, just to say it is there incase ever needed....I don't get it, I don't know why the scientific community is rolling over and would rather whine about global warming or other things that are just trivial.
I want stronger and faster transmition gizmos to beam information from one sat to another, and do a baton passing of information from one star system to another in the matter of a year, once the system is in place. make a big probe, to drop seed . . . . . from earth to the nearest star system, an the information is shot from one to the other back and forth. Plenty ways to fund it, donate and get your name etched on a probe, what ever. tons of ways to fund things if ya really want to.