Apr 12, 17 / Tau 18, 01 12:02 UTC
Humanity is already losing control of artificial intelligence ¶
So I wake up this morning to this article: https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/3306890/humanity-is-already-losing-control-of-artificial-intelligence-and-it-could-spell-disaster-for-our-species/
And I have to say, it is very upsetting. In short, the article exposes how these "geniuses" are creating neural networks to identify diseases and to automate driving -- among other things which will make you, human, obsolete.
They are finding that the neural networks are performing excessively well, the problem? The neural networks are so complex that researchers have no idea how they are learning and what the process behind AI decision-making from their unsupervised learning (I'm assuming it is unsupervised... ) actually is. I mean, holy c**p! Bro, if you don't know what you're doing, don't let it loose... Which seems to be what they are doing. This, coupled with that "terminator" thing being developed by Boston Dynamics... I mean, I hate to be a pessimist, but...
How can we have such strong confidence in artificial intelligence when we don't even know what's happening under the hood. Strange times ahead, folks.