Do we need to teach ourselves and our children for the most comfortable interaction?

Total number of votes: 6

83.3% Yes

16.7% No

Aug 4, 17 / Vir 20, 01 14:15 UTC

Intersexual activity. Courses. How to interact and don't hurt.  

We want to establish healthy and enlightened nation. And one of the most important questions is interaction of genders. It's very complicated question to leave it for centuries of history. We try to communicate and we don't want to be unhappy. There are a lot of plots of misunderstanding or even abusement. We need to unite knowledge of culture and science.

Aug 8, 17 / Vir 24, 01 16:51 UTC

I agree with. Different identification and everything else what we should know to make our plan actual. But i think there is already experience of such work in the world. Charity centers, actual psychologists and support centers. Different gender clubs all over the world.

Aug 13, 17 / Lib 01, 01 23:15 UTC

Eu não sei se entendi. Você sugere uma espécie de suporte aos casais? Ou algum tipo de educação sexual? Acho importante aulas de planejamento familiar e prevenção de doenças sexualmente transmissíveis.

I do not know if I understand. Do you suggest a kind of support for couples? Or some kind of sex education? I think it is important to have family planning classes and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases,

  Last edited by:  Leonardo Oliveira (Candidate, Asgardian)  on Sep 27, 17 / Sco 18, 01 13:45 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: Leonardo Oliveira for Trendsetter! -> "Beyond the virtual! - Courage and Self-knowledge"

Aug 14, 17 / Lib 02, 01 21:19 UTC

Hi, i suggest to educate people with social and family planning psychology. This kind of psychology means understanding social needs of each person in the couple or in the possible couple.

Sexual education teaches how to stay healthy and reproductive. But i offer to teach children, how to interact. Its not "pick up" course, it's course of right behavior with each other.Healthy society it's not only healthy instincts. High educated society makes high standards of  behavior. Also makes lack of communication, as result - very good people sometimes are whole alone, or well educated people try to use in intersexual activity popular psychology which sometimes smells really bad and repels partner.Results of it are the lots of unhappy people. So we need to fix that lack of communication with special course.

Aug 14, 17 / Lib 02, 01 21:35 UTC

Also , you know - understanding mood, how to listen and understand. And other.