Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 13:36 UTC
Birth of a Currency ¶
A main factor is becoming a great nation is to begin having a form of currency. In today's age we even have digital forms of currency such as bitcoin and many other cryptocurrencies. Until Asgardia becomes a space station, we would need acquire precious metals to compete with other countries currencies. There are a wide range of acquiring the funds and Asgardia should launch multiple programs in an effort to attain them. Cryptocurrency mining is an easy and achievable process but who knows how long digital currency will sustain.
Donations are all and good, and taxing citizens at this stage would seem kind of outrageous until Asgardia is a full fledged nation. Creating a form of currency and offering incentives to the citizens is a great way to begin. An easy way to achieve this is by creating bonds. Asgardian citizens would receive different bond levels depending on the amounts given as well as the value of the money they have given.
Creating phone apps like "power sleep" and making them available to citizens is another way for Asgardia to make some money with ease. Leasing out the united power to crunch data to research organizations can help to acquire funds.
The main purpose of this post was to begin generating ideas that will assist Asgardia in acquiring money to purchase the precious metals and get this future nation a currency that can be used on earth.