Feb 6, 17 / Pis 09, 01 02:53 UTC

First Asgardian SpacePort (ASP)  

Being the we are the First Nation to be based in space, I believe that is important that we have a International SpacePort for quick and reliable access to space for our development of the Nation. I have being thinking of locations for a site.

Australia is a very large country and could accommodate such a site. Alone with industries around the world all working together access to space via this SpacePort would help in the development of new technologies, the building of first Asgardia Station and our Nation.

What do you think?

Feb 6, 17 / Pis 09, 01 09:35 UTC

Hello from down under!

A couple of decades ago there was a proposal for a spaceport in far north Queensland. Apparently the location ticked all the boxes for a spaceport and had some serious backing from NASA and ESA. It was also going to solve a major unemployment issues for the area. From what I recall, the project died from lack of support from the State and Federal Governments.

Fast forward to today and... not much has changed. Our governments talks a big game about innovation and jobs for the future but their actions often send the opposite message. Just last week, there was an announcement that hundreds of millions of dollars of funding set aside for "green technologies" may be used to build coal fired power plants instead!

So from a personal perspective, yes, yes, YES! Just don't expect our governments to share the vision and enthusiasm for the project.

Unfortunately, recent decions of government would suggest that a proposal to construct one of the world's largest open cut coal mines would get more government support than a spaceport.

  Updated  on Feb 6, 17 / Pis 09, 01 09:36 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Feb 17, 17 / Pis 20, 01 14:40 UTC

It would not be about Australia or the Australian government as such, more so Asgardia, the benefit to Australia and it people would be a large verity of jobs across the country in a wide range of industries and technologies. We should contact Elon Musk (CEO of Tesla) regarding the technology he is developing. The dragon rocket and solar technologies and others could help our state to grow. He would be able help fast track the development of the ASP (Asgardian SpacePort) here in Australia and be in line with his goals, one of being a mission to mars and the first human colony on the surface.

Mar 31, 17 / Tau 06, 01 21:10 UTC

bonsoir, en ce qui concerne l'ASP il faut un endroit neutre au niveau terrien tout comme l'ai Asgardia, un tel lieu pourrait être une plateforme multifonction dans les océan libres de toutes juridictions étatiques. à réfléchir aussi aux ascenseur spatiaux afin de facilité le flux de matériels et personnels.

Good evening, as far as the ASP is concerned, it is necessary to have a neutral place at the land level just like Asgardia, such a place could be a multifunctional platform in the free ocean of all state jurisdictions. To think also of the space elevators in order to facilitate the flow of material and personal.

Admin Edit: Translation provided by Google - Jason Rainbow - 23 May 2017

  Last edited by:  Jason Rainbow (Global Mod, Asgardian, Global Admin)  on May 23, 17 / Can 03, 01 17:08 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: Providing English Translation

May 23, 17 / Can 03, 01 16:58 UTC

В странах третьего мира дешевле строительство

In the third world, construction is cheaper

Admin Edit: Translation provided by Google

  Last edited by:  Jason Rainbow (Global Mod, Asgardian, Global Admin)  on May 23, 17 / Can 03, 01 17:08 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: Providing English Translation

May 23, 17 / Can 03, 01 17:28 UTC

Anyone want a spaceport that's already been built, and even listed as an alternate landing zone for the Space Shuttle programs? Look no closer that Moses Lake, Washington. It's a long runway that was an alternate for the shuttle program if any of their primaries failed. It has also been used for Boeing testing aircraft. 

I also believe there's a spaceport that's been designated down in Arizona that White Knight/Space Ship One has been being tested out of.

Jun 8, 17 / Can 19, 01 06:48 UTC

If we can not secure a location within another country ( as I imagine we would be charged a significant amount from larger countries such as Australia)  we would need to focus on a smaller country perhaps not in the space treaty.  Alternatively a floating space dock perhaps as.   This is ambitious but I would look towards a smaller nation. 

Jun 25, 17 / Leo 08, 01 19:49 UTC

I think there will be usable spaceports all over the world in the short future.  For immediate need I recommend my current location of Mojave Air and Spaceport in Mojave, CA, USA.  There is a civilian supersonic flight corridor for departure and arrival currently which is important for reaching speeds needed for space travel.  Check it out http://www.mojaveairport.com/.  Rent is relatively cheap and all of the infrastructure is in place for the needs of Asgardia.  Since aerospace is my area of expertise I will be working on distributing an aerospace project that most Asgardians can afford to build themselves no matter where on the planet they reside.

I do have one question?  What satellite are we launching from Kennedy Spaceport?

Peace to you all.