Jewell Ledoux

341 posts found

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Re: Decree N3 - Voting Regulations
Mar 18, 17 / Ari 21, 01 10:16 UTC
Re: Psychological fears
Mar 17, 17 / Ari 20, 01 09:05 UTC
Re: Listing possible waste products for Asgardia
Mar 15, 17 / Ari 18, 01 14:43 UTC
Re: Eliminate the monetary system and here's why.
Mar 14, 17 / Ari 17, 01 13:51 UTC
Re: I am hereby requesting a topic lock
Mar 14, 17 / Ari 17, 01 13:50 UTC
Re: Eliminate the monetary system and here's why.
Mar 14, 17 / Ari 17, 01 11:57 UTC
Re: new calendar in the forum
Mar 9, 17 / Ari 12, 01 19:01 UTC
Re: I need help to escape war
Mar 9, 17 / Ari 12, 01 14:39 UTC
Re: Hello.... From Canada
Mar 9, 17 / Ari 12, 01 08:25 UTC
Re: Greetings and salutations
Mar 8, 17 / Ari 11, 01 18:00 UTC
Re: A little suggestion . . .
Mar 7, 17 / Ari 10, 01 14:15 UTC