May 12, 18 / Gem 20, 02 18:39 UTC
موجودات فرازمینی از دید علم فرگشت چه شکلی می‌توانند داشته باشند؟

موجودات فرازمینی از دید علم فرگشت چه شکلی می‌توانند داشته باشند؟

آیا شکل و شمایل موجودات فضایی برگرفته از تخیل انسان است؟ تصوراتی که از ظاهر فرازمینی‌ها وجود دارد تا چه حد صحیح است؟ واقعا موجودات بیگانه، چه ...

May 26, 18 / Can 06, 02 11:59 UTC
Check my Platform and if you like then give your support. Your Support is important for me.
May 12, 18 / Gem 20, 02 17:28 UTC
Future of human relationship

If we consider the history of fossils as the history of human evolution, we can consider the history of art as the history of the evolution of human mind, and given that art is born of a ritual, if we say in the language of Freud: ...

May 13, 18 / Gem 21, 02 06:30 UTC
Thank you, you are exactly right. This can be done in the design of rituals. in the form of rituals, the attention must be paid to the need of all the poles of the community. And ultimately to a religion that all of this social poles take part in.
May 12, 18 / Gem 20, 02 15:29 UTC

Man is dream of god.

If you believe in dream and human, then you believe in Asgardia, like me.

If we consider the history of fossils as the history of human evolution, we can consider the history of art as the history of the evolution ...

May 15, 18 / Gem 23, 02 21:48 UTC
Hello Behzad Jalali nejad, Just voted you and I need your support too. I would really appreciate your vote for me. Thank you ! Here is my Asgardian platform:
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