Jan 10, 24 / Aqu 10, 08 01:03 UTC
Now how slow Asgardia progress has been going. I can say that extraterrestrial intervention could help improve our progress Tenfold. Possible ways things will play out for our Asgardians. 1. Sharing advanced knowledge: Extraterrestrial beings could provide us with advanced scientific and technological knowledge that would greatly accelerate our progress. ...
Jan 10, 24 / Aqu 10, 08 17:16 UTC
You think this is funny??? So what's up my guy??? You got a problem????
Jan 10, 24 / Aqu 10, 08 02:41 UTC
Jan 5, 24 / Aqu 05, 08 23:47 UTC
I payed my dues when I wasn't going to. But I need to see my residency status updated. Shouldn't take that long for everything to still say pending.
Jan 6, 24 / Aqu 06, 08 14:58 UTC
Global recession is coming.
Jan 6, 24 / Aqu 06, 08 14:58 UTC
Same situation for me.
Jan 6, 24 / Aqu 06, 08 11:59 UTC
I need Job
Dec 29, 23 / Cap 27, 07 16:10 UTC
In the Canada Arctic Archipelago lies an environment similar to conditions on Mars for conducting research and sustainable living. We can also build infrastructure to house our community for the development of new technologies that could be useful towards integration for the Space Ark. We could develop partnerships with certain ...
Dec 31, 23 / Cap 29, 07 00:56 UTC
I agree wholeheartedly that Asgardia needs to take action. I proposed something similar recently. I believe if we don’t get a territory to operate from to show the world Asgardia is real, interest and more importantly investors will never take us seriously. The UN says a requirement of recognition for ...
Nov 13, 23 / Sag 09, 07 23:06 UTC
I got a important question. Now as a resident of Asgardia...before I ask this question..I want to point out that there hasn't been anything heard on the progress on our passports nor the progress on the Artificial gravity that is being created for the purpose of our future...now I ask ...
Jun 25, 23 / Leo 08, 07 15:55 UTC
Golden 100K Asgardian here. With knowledge to remind our people that one step is all it takes to reach far beyond where no Asgardian has gone before. Me with a militaristic mindset won't be of need in a particular situation were like minded individuals come together for a scientific philosophical ...
Jun 25, 23 / Leo 08, 07 16:20 UTC
We all have opportunities to be what we want. But that's not what I was referring. Whose going to wait decades for something that is already out there. I been apart of Asgradia since it's creation.
Jun 25, 23 / Leo 08, 07 16:17 UTC
Amigo, eso crei yo cuando fundaron la nación de Asgardia, ya que en un comienzo necesitaban científicos, en el último tiempo abrieron oportunidades a diseñadores y artistas, y en eso soy yo,....así que en algún momento en alguna parte se te abrirá una oportunidad en Asgardia.
Mar 15, 23 / Ari 18, 07 19:45 UTC
NOW! 7 years ongoing with Asgardia. And the only thing we can focus on is Elections!, the longer Im here the more I'm starting to realize that I may or may not be wasting my time. I've been devoted to this Nation and had high hopes that during these years ...
Mar 16, 23 / Ari 19, 07 02:09 UTC
No one should be left out of the background check for criminal records. Everyone needs to be checked. for no leaf is left unturned. In the name of Justice our people will be safe from those who try to run from their crimes. Our development should not have any interruptions.
Mar 16, 23 / Ari 19, 07 02:05 UTC
If we limit ourselves with needing money to build a foundation for Asgardians and Residents then we've already failed. The Earth is free. Plagued by elitist ruining the universal way of life. We have minerals and metals underneath our feet ready to be harvest. If anything sitting in one spot ...
Mar 15, 23 / Ari 18, 07 22:42 UTC
The ISS cost $150 Billion to build and costs $3 Billion a year to run
See all 7 comments
Mar 4, 23 / Ari 07, 07 14:57 UTC
How many of us Asgardians will participate in this research??? Even though most of us don't fit the criteria. So it couldn't be a Space Researcher school if one must have requirements. Would be better if more openings and opportunities were offered after 7 years. Also were are the PASSPORTS????? ...
Mar 2, 23 / Ari 05, 07 19:54 UTC
As a Golden 100k Asgardian/Resident. I'm much more under a neutral standing on how the approach for a Space Researcher just came out of nowhere without the thought that some or most people wouldn't possess the skills nor requirements. It's disappointing to see that out of 7 years this is ...
Jan 11, 23 / Aqu 11, 07 00:10 UTC
Foundation is what we as people should have in order for a structure to be stable as it Is built. We are on year 7 10th of Aquarius. 14 sols before my birthday. For I have been here since the beginning. One of The Golden 100k. One would think there ...
Jan 12, 23 / Aqu 12, 07 10:16 UTC
Nicely said Thomas
Dec 11, 22 / Cap 09, 06 19:01 UTC
Greetings my Asgardians and Residents!. Its a been a long time....I have a topic of the matter to bring to your attention. While life for me in the USA is rough. I fight it as best as I can knowing I never do wrong....knowing that life living on the surface ...
Dec 13, 22 / Cap 11, 06 15:43 UTC
Nice to meet you and welcome to Asgardia.
Dec 13, 22 / Cap 11, 06 14:22 UTC
Our is stating the truth of what is hidden from the human race is yet to be public. There is a such thing is our unless you got information on what is happening behind the scenes on the planet without public knowledge cause most sentient beings are becoming more aware ...
Dec 13, 22 / Cap 11, 06 12:34 UTC
There is no such thing as our truth it is either the truth or it is nothing but deception
See all 5 comments
Oct 5, 22 / Sco 26, 06 02:16 UTC
Golden 100K Asgardian Checking In. It's been a minute since I posted. Hello my fellow Asgardians. Hope you all have had the dedication to be strong and committed to the cause we stand for. I been here every since the beginning of it all. And will continue to be. Even ...
Jul 30, 22 / Vir 15, 06 19:21 UTC
As one of the golden 100K Asgardians. I'm here stopping by to check upon all of my residents and Asgardians to make sure you all are still here with us to this day and maybe even beyond. Idk if most have left or if a few dedicated individuals have stayed. ...
Aug 1, 22 / Vir 17, 06 03:37 UTC
... anything and everything (sexual/non-sexual) reproduction requires earth's complex composite mix of oxygen and other elements only available on earth. Therefore any attempts to reproduce mankind in any other ozones in outer space will meet create defects and disaster..,.
Jul 30, 22 / Vir 15, 06 19:01 UTC
Thank you. Its such an honor
I had already received mine weeks ago. Just never had the time to show my appreciation. People won't never understand that our Nation is 100% legitimate and space faring Until they see that we have Arks being constructed for the first human child birth in space. They will find out ...
Aug 15, 22 / Lib 03, 06 16:39 UTC
Love it!
Aug 2, 22 / Vir 18, 06 08:46 UTC
Beautiful! OHOU!
Jun 13, 22 / Can 24, 06 03:42 UTC
I checked my profile to see that I'm missing 75 sol out of nowhere. What is going on? Like I'm going to need it back in my account.. Edited: Thank you for fixing everyone's sol. One Humanity One Unity
Jun 14, 22 / Can 25, 06 07:23 UTC
Seems to be repaired now..
Jun 13, 22 / Can 24, 06 05:03 UTC
Jun 13, 22 / Can 24, 06 04:58 UTC
Yes, my wallet is at zero.. maybe some changes with the scripts..
Apr 24, 22 / Gem 02, 06 13:55 UTC
Its been a while since I made a post but wanted to touch on the subject of a private production facility, Residential areas, test site, and spaceport all in one for Asgardians. Take Elon Musk for a good example. He has a Starbase in Texas. Making major moves for himself ...
May 4, 22 / Gem 12, 06 04:31 UTC
Hola! Soy nuevo en asgardia, este proyecto será grande!
May 3, 22 / Gem 11, 06 15:12 UTC
Comment joindre votre communauté ??
Jan 23, 22 / Aqu 23, 06 01:55 UTC
Hello my universal citizens of Asgardia. Time is of the essence or even our most valuable commodity living on the surface of planet Terra. But soon our feets will be off the ground but also in space living on the Ark. As one we could make anything possible. Apart we ...
Mar 1, 22 / Ari 04, 06 20:24 UTC
I like where you're going with this, I too wish we could form bonds with other Space faring civilization and form something like Star Fleet, it would be an interesting endeavour.
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