Here is a Google Docs link so can read it without getting a headache:
The Case for an Asgardian Economic System
(Part 3): The Implementation
I. Introduction
Note: Keep in mind that what I am presenting is just the tip of the iceberg for such a complex topic.
Here is the first 2 parts if you have not read them yet:
The Case for an Asgardian Economic System
(Part 1): The Problem
The Case for an Asgardian Economic System
(Part 2): The Answer
In the previous 2 parts of this series I talked about how Capitalism is the definitive problem and how a Resource Based Economy is the solution. Now, I am going to try to present the case for why a Resource Based Economy is right for Asgardia but also what it may look like if we implement it virtually.
II. Similar Philosophical Foundations
Here is the first reason why Asgardia and a RBE are great together - similar philosophical foundations:
When I was evaluating what Asgardia meant and how it defined itself, I was reading through the website and through the constitution and was just jumping off my seat, because I could see the philosophical foundations for a Resource Based Economy slathered everywhere, all over everything. That sort of idealistic, utopian, humanistic and equality laden vision for what humanity can become. It was refreshing and powerfully inspiring, even while looking through the document’s many imperfections.
The Asgardian constitution in its own crude way espouses RBE ideals without knowing it. This potential really excited me because it seems that they really want to make a difference in the right ways by espousing such RBE ideals as: global equality, equal access to goods and services, humanism, education, using science and technology to its fullest to make life better for ALL of Humanity.
In my
Candidacy Platform
I even took the time to pull out all of the points in the website and the constitution which promote RBE ideals and there are A LOT. I am going to post those here so you can see… all... of…. them,so be prepared for all 4 pages of excerpts:
VIII. Asgardian Philosophical and Constitutional Support for a Resource Based Economy
As I read through our website and our constitution there are so many lines that just scream Resource Based Economy. The philosophical framework for both are very, very similar. Take another look at the keywords below and then take a look through the constitution and see for yourself. Are these the definitive keywords for Asgardia or a Resource Based Economy? Can you honestly tell them apart?
Global, Equitable, Humanity, Resources, Goods and Services
Environment, Interdependent
Technology, Science, Sustainable Management
This happens so much that I think that this may be a match that, when put together into one movement, may just change the world in powerful and unexpected ways.
Just choosing the International Fixed Calendar (IFC) says progress and efficiency not bound by cultural, theological, or societal regression is a prime motivator. Choosing districts based off linguistic lines and not national, geographic, or religious lines says this too. Science and efficiency to move forward.
A RBE is the right tool for the right job, a more efficient and powerful socio-economic tool to replace the broken one we have now, not bound by cultural, theological, or societal regression which is very inline with the philosophical basis of Asgardia.
A. From Asgardia’s Concept Page
Section on (1) Philosophy
“The essence of Asgardia is Peace in Space, and the prevention of Earth’s conflicts being transferred into space.”
Humans will always carry their nationalistic and social problems with them, so the only way to accomplish this ‘preventing conflicts from spilling over from terrestrial Earth and into space’ is to work towards bringing peace to the world. Any attempt to avoid this process is to completely subvert this philosophical basis for Asgardia. Working towards creating peace on Earth is the only way to ensure that there is peace in space, or anywhere else for Humanity.
“Asgardia is also unique from a philosophical aspect ...
to serve entire humanity and each and everyone, regardless of his or her personal welfare and the prosperity of the country where they happened to be born.“
This says equal access to all of the world’s resources and services which is an amazing concept - equal access for all. This is really the only way to ensure real peace in a society as this wisely brings to bear.
Both combined are a powerful philosophical basis for a society: to prevent the existing harms and conflicts and to establish a society which is based on peaceful coexistence for all of humanity with equal access by all. This is what RBE is about.
Section on (2) Legal Concepts
“New space law has to equally protect the interests of every human being on Earth.
… delivering the benefits of using space for creating new goods and services, and financial resources.”
Again, working towards equal access to goods, services, and protection for all human beings is the only way to really ensure world peace. Global equality is a core RBE concept.
Section (3) Science and Technology
Using humanity’s combined technological and intellectual pools to ensure equal access to space and the knowledge contained therein is a powerful equalizer that can lift all nations and peoples up. Committing these combined world-wide resources not only to protect us from environmental threats that stem not only from space but also from Earth itself is important, for these potential sources of disasters can affect the very fate of humanity. Environmental protection and remediation is a core RBE concept. If we poison our ecosystem then we poison ourselves.
Committing to science and objective truth over subjective “truths” and opinions can help to bring peace to the world. Using science and technology for the betterment of all humanity and not just the select few. Using technology and science to make life better for all and to free humanity from the drudgery of monotonous and mindless work that can be easily automated so humans can concentrate on work that really matters is what RBE is about.
B. From Asgardia’s Constitution
Here is a link to
Asgardia’s Constitution
Chapter (1) Declaration of Unity
It is wonderful to see that the very first section of the constitution is drenched with RBE language and ideas such as:
equal opportunities for all, welfare of all humankind, are equal, irrespective of their (Earthly descriptors), science, international, peaceful history
Chapter (2) General Provisions
Article 2 - Status
“which is transethnic and secular, is based on morality, fairness, peace, and the equal dignity of every human being”
Article 4 - Asgardia’s Supreme Values
(4) Asgardia’s Supreme Values are very much in line with a Resource Based Economy (slightly edited):
peace in space and peaceful settlement of the Universe;
ensuring equality of opportunity in space for all;
safeguarding all of humanity from all threats;
unity of space humanity as a community;
human dignity, human rights and freedoms, and the harmonious development of individuals;
human happiness, life, love, children and family, and the propagation of human species;
preservation of space environment - and of Earth’s ecosystems;
community and mutual support;
scientific and artistic creativity, and the belief in the boundless potential of human reason, knowledge, labour, and progress;
peace, tranquility, safety, security, respect, and confidence;
morality, fairness, and freedom;
harmonious existence of individuals, society
Chapter (3) Space Citizenship of Asgardia
Article 8 - Rights and Freedoms of Citizens
2. All Asgardian citizens shall be equal.
Article 9 - Obligations of Citizens
7. Asgardian citizens shall preserve nature and the environment in Asgardia’s localities.
Chapter (4) Asgardian Resources
Article 12 - Natural Resources
4. … shall use all available resources to ensure the safety and sustainability of its natural resources and the space environment, and shall support corresponding initiatives …
Article 14 - Scientific Resources
Asgardia shall be a nation of the supremacy of science and technology, and a nation of ideas. Asgardia shall combine the advantages of information technology in virtual and physical world.
Chapter (5) Government By The People
Article 17 - Fairness
(1) Asgardia shall recognise that every person has an inalienable right to fair treatment and facilitate the enjoyment of this right.
(2) Asgardia is a nation of social justice, which strives to ensure that citizens enjoy material and spiritual benefits expected by other citizens, society, and the government, and produced by the citizen through labour and production of material and immaterial goods.
(4) To ensure fairness, the Government shall encourage:
the spread of moral ideals;
equal rights and equality of human dignity;
scientific and technological progress.
Article 18 - Dignity For All
(1) Asgardia shall recognise the equal dignity of all persons.
(2) Every Asgardian citizen has the right to have their dignity recognised and protected in life and memory after death. No grounds can be used to diminish human dignity. The dignity of Asgardian citizens shall be protected.
(3) The views of people and Asgardian citizens about human dignity shall be formed and fostered through education, parenting, propaganda, and the media, in accordance with Asgardia’s Supreme Values.
(4) Any propaganda of superiority and/or inequality of people is prohibited. Asgardia shall prohibit racist, Nazi, fascist, and other similar ideologies in their historical and new forms.
(5) The Government shall protect groups of citizens, who find themselves in a difficult position on Asgardian territory, by providing them equal access to food, clothing, shelter, and basic material and immaterial benefits.
(6) The Government shall seek to reduce inequality of social conditions and opportunities for Asgardian citizens, including those contingent on their Earthly country of residence.
(7) The Government shall support the establishment of humanism, compassion, and charity in social and economic systems.
Chapter (6) Security in Asgardia
Article 18 - Protection of Earth
(1) Asgardia shall use governmental and private resources to build capabilities to safeguard the Earth from space-originating threats, independently and in cooperation with the Earth States and international organisations, on the basis of bilateral and multilateral treaties.
(2) In order to safeguard the planet Earth, Asgardia’s authorised bodies shall:
(a) monitor the condition and physical processes of potentially dangerous objects in near and outer space, and model and forecast space-originating threats and their potential consequences;
(b) monitor the condition and physical processes in Earth’s geospheres, and model and forecast their potential consequences;
(c) monitor Earth’s biosphere and emerging biological threats originating in space, and model and forecast their potential consequences and ways of defending against such threats.
(3) In order to preserve humanity and biodiversity of the Earth, Asgardia shall organise and ensure the building of Space Arks and protective platforms in space to be used in the event of threats to the safety of humanity on the Earth and for space tourism, in the absence of threats.
The sheer amount of RBE language here is pretty amazing!!
III. Preventing Earthly Conflict from Affecting the Heavens
Here is the second reason why Asgardia and a RBE are great together: They both wish to bring peaceful existence to Humanity.
The following is an quote from
Asgardia’s page on Asgardia’s philosophy (Our Country -> Concept -> 1. Philosophy -> paragraph 4)
“The essence of Asgardia is Peace in Space, and the prevention of Earth’s conflicts being transferred into space.”
The only way to accomplish this ‘preventing conflicts from spilling over from terrestrial Earth and into space’ is to work towards bringing peace to the world. Any attempt to avoid this process is to completely subvert this philosophical basis for Asgardia and, well, every other philosophical foundation too. =) Working towards creating peace on Earth is the only way to ensure peace in space, or anywhere else for Humanity.
With the significant systemic issues inherent in Capitalism and a monetary based economy, the only really way to create peace on earth and everywhere else for Humanity is to utilize a socio-economic system which values and embodies such things as global equality, sustainability, compassion, justice, science, education, etc. Capitalism most definitely does not. It values one thing only - profit. Profit no matter the cost to the environment or to the people. The system that embodies these important humanistic ideals and whose goal is peace and equality for ALL of Humanity is a Resource Based Economy.
The Philosophical Prime Directive from my Candidacy Platform addresses that quote directly as well, which is how important I think it really is:
Humanity carries its cultural, theological, emotional, intellectual, and social baggage with it wherever it goes which creates perpetual strife and conflict. If we cannot live in harmony here on our planet of origin that we will never be able to live in any semblance of harmony in a space station nor anywhere else in the universe. The only real way to accomplish peace in space is to create peace on Earth.
The Asgardian Prime Directive should be:
“To advocate for a change in Humanity’s social, political, and economic systems so that we can save ourselves and our planet of origin from our own self-inflicted horrors and the systems that created them. We shall do so using Seven Philosophical Pillars: Science and Technology, Interdependence, Sustainability, Humanity, Justice and Compassion, Equity, and Education as prime drivers and guides for effecting that change and bringing peace to Humanity where ever we shall find ourselves.”
III. The Implementation
Finally, I shall get to how an Asgardia Resource Based Economy may manifest, which is sort of a 5 step process:
Contact the Organizations that Study, Research, and Preach RBE
Constitutional Reform
RBE Educational Platform
International Advocacy
Implement an Asgardian RBE?
A. Contact the Organizations that Study, Research, and Preach RBE
First, we should contact the organizations which live and breathe for their advice, thoughts, and guidance. They will be an amazingly well educated resource to advise us on how to have our government move forward to embody the ideals which we already espouse.
B. Constitutional Reform
Next, let us consummate this relationship and make it official. Let us embrace the relationship fully and reform the constitution (which needs to be done anyhow) to acknowledge that a Resource Based Economy is part of the ideals of Asgardia (since it really is) and adjust the wording of our philosophical foundations to more directly call to a Resource Based Economy’s language. Currently, I am working on a constitutional rewrite based on this very idea. =) The
Universal Declaration of Human Rights as set forth by the United Nations
is a large part of that as well since it really calls to equality.
C. RBE Educational Platform
Since the philosophical ideals of Asgardia are truly the ideals of a Resource Based Economy we should ensure that all our citizens are aware of that and then we can start educating people on this and related topics. A relationship with such organizations will prove to be indispensable for that because they have spent years advocating and educating on these topics and have learned much. We can save ourselves many problems by working with them and even utilizing them as guest speakers and presenters.
We can provide a platform to educate over a hundred thousand people which is an amazing opportunity. Asgardia can be on the vanguard or true societal change, an opportunity like no other micronation in the world has ever had. This alone is exciting, to possibly be able to truly make a difference in the word, especially when we consider the next step....
D. International Advocacy
This next step is even more mind-bogglingly amazing: Assuming Asgardia does well as a micronation, it would find itself in an unique situation unlike that of any micronation throughout history - we would have many, many people, money, and legitimate claim to existence and respect within the international community.
Once the nation progresses, has completed the 3 previous steps, has initiated relations with the UN, and has a working relationship with them, then things can really start to change. Speaking to the UN as an acknowledged nation about Asgardia and a Resourced Based Economy will give us leverage the likes of which no other organization has had, as well as an international stage and an audience which is already sympathetic to our cause. We would have the ability to really work towards world wide change by promoting Asgardian ideals.
E. Implement an Asgardian RBE?
Ok, so now we get to the crux of the original question: What would an Asgardian implementation of a Resource Based Economy look like? How would it manifest in Asgardia?
1. Previous 4 Steps
The main part of this answer is potentiality is found in the previous 4 steps - embodying the values of Asgardia as a Resource Based Economy. That is perhaps the most powerful thing we can do help the world. We can do this by forming our processes and policies to embody a RBE as much as possible - global, sustainable, automated, science based, data driven, equal, etc. We have examples, as my platform points out, of countries who exhibit nascent individual RBE traits - Nordic countries especially for education, prison, and waste management, Estonia for the digital infrastructure, and so on. We can look to the world at large for ideas on RBE based methods of doing things.
2. Nationwide Resource Survey
Perhaps, the most powerful action for Asgardia to embody a RBE beyond the previous steps, and one that is an essential part of what it means to be a Resourced Based Economy, is a Resource Survey. This will not be possible without a comprehensive and extensive website reform. Our website(s) can be the primary driver to drive us forward and part of that would be through getting to know what resources we have available to us. Citizen volunteers should be able to, through their user profile, be able to say which skills they have, take a test to qualify their level of knowledge and skill, so they know and we know, and then they can be available to be assigned for volunteer work. This is the first and, honestly, the important most part of my Candidacy Platform:
Comprehensive Website Reform
3. Physical Manifestations
As far as actually being resource based and providing things for free to all people, I am not sure if that is possible, although it may be to a limited extent. Perhaps this will mostly be available as an option through what digital services we provide - education, access to space, perhaps cloud storage, Asgardian email and phone numbers, and things like that. It becomes quite difficult to do much beyond digital things since we do not have land, manufacturing facilities, farms, etc.
Honestly, a Resource Based Economy in a physical world could only really work on a large scale - continental, perhaps national or internationally if the nations attempting it are big enough and had the resources. We are not that.
We will also need a digital monetary system, which I support in my platform. Even if we do make the transition to a digital Resource Based Economy, we will still exist within in a Capitalist society, so we will still have bills to pay, services to buy, and our public servants to attempt to pay.
V. Conclusion
In this document I have:
I tried to explain what a Resource Based Economy is, why it is important, and why we need to work towards it.
Then, I laid the foundation for how Asgardia’s philosophical foundations are the same as that of a Resource Based Economy. Currently, they are in a one-sided philosophical romance which has yet to be requited. <3 (Not quite stalker’esque in nature because Asgardia is effusively extolling RBE’s many virtues)
Lastly, I talked about how a Resource Based Economy might play out in Asgardia.
So, I have spent 11 pages talking about a Resource Based Economy. Hopefully, what I have said will give you something to think, consider, and to spend time researching. Asgardia really is at its foundational core, a Resource Based Economy. It does not know it quite yet and is perhaps not ready to admit it, but once it is ready to come out of the closet, then the world shall be better for it. We just need to acknowledge it and make the relationship official and then things will get better from there.
by James O’Neill
My profile on Asgardia.
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