Nov 1, 17 / Oph 25, 01 21:11 UTC

Language Symbols for Asgardia!  

Hello Asgardia!

We'd like the community to put in their suggestions on symbols that we can use to indicated what language something is in. The catch is that we'd like to stay away from flags or national monuments (ie. the EiffelTower or Taj Mahal) so we'd like to hear what the community thinks would be a good idea!

Please comment below with your suggestions, either describe what you think would work or post up mock up pictures of what you think it should be!

Suggestions will be compiled and be closed this coming Monday, November 6, 2017. The winner we get bragging rights that their design has been chosen.

Let's hear your voices Asgardia!

Nov 1, 17 / Oph 25, 01 22:46 UTC

do you have to type in the HTML to link a picture or what? I see no way in the WYSIWYG

Nov 1, 17 / Oph 25, 01 22:46 UTC

*duplicate post, please remove*

  Last edited by:  Asgardian 794177 (Asgardian, Candidate)  on Nov 1, 17 / Oph 25, 01 22:47 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Nov 2, 17 / Oph 26, 01 19:14 UTC

Please check an image in your post. Nothing to see.

Nov 2, 17 / Oph 26, 01 21:27 UTC

On the international space station they use flags, because it's international - but we want to step away from nationalists, so need  some other way to represent languages

Nov 2, 17 / Oph 26, 01 21:27 UTC


  Last edited by:  Asgardian 794177 (Asgardian, Candidate)  on Nov 2, 17 / Oph 26, 01 21:28 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Nov 2, 17 / Oph 26, 01 21:32 UTC

Without a single one of these we would never make it to the stars...

English - www

Chinese - Compass

Turkish - Coin

Spanish - Space suit

Italian - Microchip

French - Parachute

Russian - Sputnik

Arabic - = (representing algebra)

Portuguese - Astrolab

German - Clock (representing relativity)

Farsi - Sextant

 Japanese - DVD

Other - Fire

  Last edited by:  Asgardian 794177 (Asgardian, Candidate)  on Nov 2, 17 / Oph 26, 01 22:43 UTC, Total number of edits: 10 times

Nov 6, 17 / Sag 02, 01 14:54 UTC

@Auris The Decider
Please check an image in your post. Nothing to see.

That seems "wanted behavior" to me. ;-)

Nov 6, 17 / Sag 02, 01 18:40 UTC

originally there was an image there, infographic type thing, but the link broke the first day

Dec 27, 17 / Cap 25, 01 06:23 UTC

how about make it really simple just have a little pip and each pip be a dif color depending on language