According to some sources, there are 3 principle steps that must be achieved before we can be 'officially' recognized as an independent nation.
Declare Independence
We must let the world know our intentions, and we must follow internationals laws. Specifically the Montevido convention on the Rights and Duties of States, 1933. It states that a country must declare its intentions - but here is one of our big barriers "New countries are required to exist within a clearly defined territory." and we must also have a permanent population - which we can probably aruge.
Gain recognition
We can't be a legitimate nation or country unless we're recognized by existing states and countries within the international community. the 'existance' of a country and its boundaries is upheld purely based on the consensus of those others who already have that status. As we do not have any physical lands, boundaries or territories and our community exists almost entirely online, this will likely present a huge challenge as our nation won't be taken seriously by other established nations.
Join the United Nations
While the UN does not possess the authority to support a state or government being admitted to the UN will dramatically increase our credibility within the international community and it will help us to facilitate better communications and relations with the rest of the members.
So as you can see - there is a long road ahead of us before we're officially accepted as a nation - but don't let that deter you, our nation exists in the space, in the virtual world and in our hearts and as long as we keep pushing ahead and taking these matters seriously I have no doubt that we'll achieve recognition in the future.
note: I am running for the position of Strategist and need your support. Please check out my campaign page: