Apr 19, 17 / Tau 25, 01 03:02 UTC
Re: I got chicken pox very afflictive, how to treat? ¶
For starters, make sure you DO NOT SCRATCH IT no matter how much it itches. If you absolutely must, use gloves and rub, don't scratch.
Also, whatever you do DO NOT TAKE ASPIRIN!! Seriously, it can cause Reye's Syndrome.
Now, outside of what you should avoid, you should go see a doctor.
If you cannot, the only thing you can do is suffer through it. Antihistamines might help with the itching, a cool bath with baking soda will help with basic skin irritation (not too much baking soda, you are just trying to adjust the pH a bit, less than a cup for a whole bath). Calamine lotion usually works pretty well. You can try tyenol or ibuprofen if you have a fever but, again, NO ASPIRIN. Homeopathic remedies include honey, carrots, coriander, and basil.
For more natural topical treatment, you can use aloe vera, honey, lavender, and/or brown vinegar. Epsom salts is only good if it becomes painful and inflamed.
You should probably also take 1000mg of vitamin C per day (2000 if you can handle it) and a vitamin B6 supplement to boost the immune system. If at any time your muscles start to ache, cut back on the vitamin C.
Reason: Forgot about vitamins