Greetings and Salutations.

I plan to represent the people to the best of my ability.  All I want is the survival and protection of our species and our home planet, I wish to help guide us into the future.  I believe in the need of a space defence program to protect us from debris and any other external force that may harm us or our planet.  I believe in peace, and strive for it daily, fighting my own demons to make myself into a better person for the benefit of mankind.

I believe that we should look for likeminded people that are frustrated with the state of the planet and feel like there is nothing they can do because they feel alone.  This is something that I think many of us might feel or have felt in the past.  I believe we are one people, one planet, and we of Asgardia need to be a beacon of light to guide humanity into the future.

As a man who grew up with nothing, has felt a lot of suffering the world has to offer. I know that it is only by our actions that we can move forward and make the world a better place not by dwelling on the past, rather we need to learn from it, educate the next generations, and move forward as Earthlings.  I believe that we need a very firm judicial system, and must hold ourselves to the highest of standards above all others set forth by current political systems.

I am a man of logic, and spirit. Philosophy is needed to help us reflect on our purpose, and I feel mine is to serve my species to the best of my ability and make it a better place than the one I came into.  I am a father, and I try to help my children learn from my mistakes in hopes they will not make the same ones, yet I understand that they need to make their own in order to grow.  I feel this same way about all Earthlings.

We need to be the change we wish to see in the world.  Compassion for our fellow Earthling needs to be a focus, while defending our own.

On inviting people to Asgardia:

One thing that I would like to touch on is thinking about who we invite to join us.  I may not have strong English, although I have a passion for all the sciences; specifically, physics, engineering, and mathematics.  I was always advanced for my years in those subjects. Now one thing we should consider is that not everyone is great at everything, most people have one field they are great at, and we have to consider this when inviting people.

We need artists just as much as we need engineers.  We need people that know their passions and chase after them.  Please don't judge someone by how they look, get to know them well, and when you think they are a person you could live with as a neighbour and they have skills that will be useful, then invite them. Don't just invite people because they are beautiful or because you have a chemical reaction in your brain telling you that you should reproduce with them.

If a person cannot even contribute to our broken system we have in place then how can they benefit this new one we are trying to form?  Even with this in mind, some people choose not to do much in our current world because they are so upset with the way things are.  Maybe they are not apathetic, maybe they are so empathetic they cannot function well in our society.

I think all these things are what we should contemplate before sending an invite to join our growing nation.

I have a few topics that I would like to focus on with my platform.

Recruitment and Talent Acquisition.

Judicial Process and Punishment for Crimes against Asgardia and its Citizens.

Fundraising and future Partnerships.

Inter-Asgardian networking for the purpose of bartering and commerce.

Education infrastructure and knowledge distribution between generations.

Marriage/Spousal/Partner Rights/Obligations and Separation of said Agreements.

Protection of Information of Asgardia and its Citizens.

Copyright laws.

Trans-Planetary Relations with other sentient life when Asgardia comes in contact with another species and the freedom of information to all Citizens on this topic.

App/Cloud security platforms for real-time voting on all Asgardian matters to let representative know what the people they represent want them to vote for.

The formation of a Senate under the current leader of Asgardia.

These are just a few of the topics that I will touch on and expand with those who vote for me.  Please keep in touch with me and stay up to date with my blog.  I plan to create minutes for discussions with those who I represent.

I will do my best to lead us forward based on logic and compassion for our fellow Asgardians and Earthlings.