Thank you fellow Asgardian for reading my platform and being a part of our unique movement to becoming a peaceful and space based nation. This movement will require an initial government led by radically courageous individuals, and I believe my life so far has prepared me to successfully take on the responsibilities of the FIRST Minister of Science. Growing up, I've always looked at life through the lens of science and determined that the main objective of human beings should be the development of technology necessary to defend our homeworld (and other planets) from planet-killing asteroids. Another asteroid WILL inevitably impact Earth at some yet-to-be determined time, and when that day does come, it will destroy everything we have ever dreamed and worked for. Before an effort of that magnitude can be realized though, a certain level of world peace and habitability must be restored. We, as citizens of Asgardia, believe ultimately in peace and the preservation of our habitat, so we must be the torchbearers of the guiding light that is science to assist our fellow humans achieve these goals soon. We then may all continue to move on to a far more meaningful way. Your vote means a lot to me, and I will gladly respond to your questions and comments about my platform or on how I will carry out my duties as your Minister of Science to the best of my ability. Please read my platform on my profile page and consider me for your vote. It literally means the world to me.