Fellow Asgardians, I stand for Human Rights, Equality and Peace. A Secular view for a Science-based Society committed to Compassion, Respect, Freedom of Thoughts, and Collaboration among all the Individuals. An Ecological approach to be applied on Earth and outside Earth to preserve and protect the environment of our planet and the planets that we will live on in the future. If these are your values too, I invite you to vote for me so that together we can put them into practice.

LINK TO VOTE: https://asgardia.space/en/blog/candidate/165074-6971-la-societagrave-del-futuro-si-costruisce-oggi/

Concittadini Asgardiani, io mi batto per i Diritti Umani, l'Uguaglianza e la Pace. Una visione Secolare per una Società scientifica dedita alla Compassione, al Rispetto, alla Libertà di Pensiero, e alla Collaborazione tra tutti gli Individui. Un approccio Ecologico da applicare sulla Terra e oltre la Terra per preservare e proteggere l'ambiente del nostro pianeta e dei pianeti dove vivremo in futuro. Se questi sono anche i vostri valori, vi invito a votare per me cosicchè insieme possiamo metterli in pratica.

LINK PER VOTARE: https://asgardia.space/en/blog/candidate/165074-6971-la-societagrave-del-futuro-si-costruisce-oggi/


About me:

Name: BeaRes

Age: 40

Nationality: Italian

Languages in order of proficiency: italian, english, esperanto, german, japanese.

Education level: degree. Other diplomas.

Fields of study: medicine & informatics, communications, journalism

Fields of interests and hobbies: technology, robotics, astronomy, physics, 3D printing, 3D design, art, writing, languages and cultures.

Charity activity: 3D printed prosthetic limbs projects (e-Nable), local support to victims of earthquakes, Folding@home.