Greetings.  I'm a rocket scientist.

Okay, actually I'm an astrophysicist. I had dreams of going to space but knew I'd be Earth-bound so I got astrophysics degree with the idea that I could get in on the beginning of the private industry space revolution by working on the ground.  Then the space shuttle blew up, destroying seven brave lives and setting the space industry back ten years.  I had children to feed so I dusted off my computer skills and have been programming and admin-ing ever since.  Now I have grand children almost old enough to give me great-grandchildren.

Why vote for me as a strategist?  I have several years experience leading a recreation group of several hundred people. I have 50+ years of life experience. I am a scientist and a poet and a historian. I am a bard and a gardener and a woodworker.  I've piloted aircraft and forged nails.  In short, I am something of the classic definition of a Natural Philosopher.

We are building something new and need input from outside the current traditional real estate style government. I bring a diverse set of tools and skills to the table.

My Candidate Profile