There are a laundry list of reasons Trump got elected and almost all of them fall at the feet of Clinton herself and the Democratic Party. His fame had little to do with it.
My points are based around looking into the future of Asgardia, even if you could guarantee to me the virtue of every MP Candidate for the next 50 Parliaments, what happens at 51, or 60, or 100? I've offered little in the way of specific on how to neutralize moral hazard because that hasn't been the thrust of this conversation, rather I'm providing counter argument to your proposal in order to keep this thread focused. If you'd like to discuss establishing rules and laws to prevent corruption more generally, I'm happy to do so, though for the sake of our fellow Asgardians I think the subject is best done in a new thread titled appropriately. As to the idea, its actually a very old one, in that its a variation on Regnal names.
As to your final point, I think you misunderstand, I don't quite see this as any kind of noble stand and it isn't rooted in fear. Its rooted in knowledge of humanity and more specifically, in the case of the pros and cons I mentioned, which you agreed were accurate, I value the pros and cons that impact Asgardia as a whole far more highly than those that impact only a select few individuals. As such, I cannot in good conscious provide any sort of support for the use of pseudonyms or I suppose if it were to be the case "Parlonyms".
Also, as a side note on the oath itself, most oaths of office don't exist to curtail corruption, but rather to provide a legal framework under which to prosecute corruption. For this reason they need to be specific and concise about what behaviors are prohibited or cannot be neglected as well as having clear legal frameworks for what happens if the oath is violated.