Jun 20, 17 / Leo 03, 01 17:50 UTC
Asgardian hackers call ¶
We need to create a citizen's organization of hackers to help Asgardia. There are a few issues at hand that need our specialized attention, IMHO.
The website has issues (slowness, unstable, not secure enough). I think we can work together and make it better. I have a few ideas on how to solve some of the issues for the website. Among other things we could either use cloudflare or something like it. On the other hand, we could implement smart caching techniques on NginX and use memcache/redis or something to stop using the DB so much.
There is a constitution and we need to follow it's changes on a wiki or git repo. I have a fairly good idea on how to do the latter.
We need a wiki, definitely. The website, as it is, won't cut it. You know this.
We can get much better and cheaper service and servers.com, I am sure of this. Google Cloud is much better for having servers instances. It is easy to use, snapshot, resize and backup. Besides, it is much cheaper.
I do this for a living: https://evalinux.com/. I am happy to collaborate with anyone that wants to have a better communication infrastructure for our new nation.
So, for now, I will be using an IRC channel at Freenode; unnoficial, unregistered and un-everything. The, already created, #asgardia IRC channel at euIRC: https://asgardia.space/en/forum/forum/general-discussion-14/topic/asgardia-community-on-irc-886/?post=3169 seems abandoned and it was intended to be of general interest. This channel will not be like that; it is intended for devs, hackers, admins and any in-betweens. Might, just as well, use gitter... I dunno...