Feb 5, 17 / Pis 08, 01 18:29 UTC

Collaborating with Outernet?  

It doesn't look like anyone has brought this up yet, so I figured I'd mention it: https://outernet.is/

Although designed primarily for the use of people on Earth, the Outernet project might have tips that would be useful to us at some point in the future, so it would probably be worthwhile to get in touch with them. I'm not directly affiliated with them (though I believe I may have donated once?), but especially at this stage, Asgardia would probably benefit from making whatever use we can of the infrastructure they're building.

Feb 5, 17 / Pis 08, 01 20:16 UTC

There's no reason why we shouldn't be able to work in concert with others, but there again, there's no reason why we shouldn't just do it ourselves...

The model itself is interesting, in as much it's only Tx data. It's not taking input, so it leads to questions of how one obtains the content they are after. It's unfeasible to transmit the entire interwebs constantly in a round-robin fashion. This leads me to believe the available content to be incredibly narrow.

IMHO it'd be more "benefit" to construct a series of 2.4Ghz meshnets to cover urban areas, these could possibly be fed in a similar manner to Outernet if it's imperitive to avoid the traditional network. Uplink would still be an issue however.

Feb 5, 17 / Pis 08, 01 20:53 UTC

"Bitrate is about 2kbps, or 20MB of content per day."

Talk about a giant leap backwards.

It seems like a hobbyist thing to me. I've been trying, and I can't imagine a practical use for such a system. If something happens so bad that it becomes relevant, chances are the medium for receiving the data won't work properly. Most people would just fall back to CB for information.

Feb 6, 17 / Pis 09, 01 02:13 UTC

It's more than relevant in hyper rural or poverty stricken areas, where things like the interwebs just don't exist. Compare it to the Iridium network. It's not quite hobbyist, a step up. But, yeah, 20MB of content you can't actually select what it is -=- Not overly good. But the technology can scale, it doesn't take a full day to xfer that 20MB that's just how much b/w they has on the birds. It could get significantly larger (not large enough for my uses, and almost everything I do is low b/w too. Not with other people using it).

It's also only one way. Great if you want to read the news, but you can forget anything actually worth utilising like SSH. Unlike a meshnet, which should be able to go both ways - the only issue would be linking the meshes between cities and between continents if there's some determination to avoid the traditional networks(but, comsat bridges can do this job nicely).

Jul 15, 17 / Vir 00, 01 16:32 UTC

 dashrem(Asgardian) on 5 February 2017, 8:53 p.m.

Said: Most people would just fall back to CB for information.


Why would you use CB when radio amateurs actually run high speed mesh applications. VOIP and much more, in fact our local group is in the middle of Mesh networking South Scotland creating resilience using Ubiqiti kit on amateur channels. Better still this is all running on battery with wind and solar recharging. In fact this very morning I received a telephone call from another amateur in the USA via IP phone, he rang to say hi, nothing more! Resilience and redundancy are the key issue here IMHO

Sorry Dashrem, not trying to be disrespectful, I am just not convinced CB is an option