Nov 27, 17 / Sag 23, 01 08:31 UTC

Current Communication Issues in Asgardia

Greetings All!

The existing problems of Asgardia are the current lack of foundations to support our space nation's growth and development. The power is not fully in the hands of the people, and a lack in communications between even the inter-administration bodies in Asgardia has lead to confusion, spread of misinformation, and public discontent among individuals.

Lately, there has been lots of misinformation spreading and public confusion regarding the Parliamentary elections. One instance involves the founder/manager of Voices of Asgardia, Mr. Ryan Zohar who has been displeased with the actions the administration has taken in regards to communicating information between the inter-administration groups and the public. Other examples can be found on my original blog post which you can read using the link above.

The current communications systems/methods and overall infrastructure needs to be improved. I studied professional communications in business and innovation, and clear, efficient communication between parties is paramount to get work done and not create confusion and mistakes in the workspace. For something as big as the Asgardia, we need to treat communications with the utmost importance and priority before any major project can be worked on.

Please discuss your thoughts on this matter, we need to all come together and work this through, if not now, then when? 

Nov 27, 17 / Sag 23, 01 10:27 UTC

hi  Steven 

In addition to my post on your blog :

I think the forum must be more visible to all asgardians citizen and the members of governement must be visible  and be more reactive on forum I think the forum must be more visible to all asgardians citizen and the members of government and administration  must be visible and be able to explain what is the next step for Asgardia how they will do to overcome all issues of the different projects  of Asgardia  like the Asgardian ambassy or The money unit of Asgardia and legal issues about space treaty

All citizens must be feel useful for the Space nation

  Last edited by:  thomas courbin (Asgardian)  on Nov 27, 17 / Sag 23, 01 10:30 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times

Dec 10, 18 / Cap 08, 02 16:05 UTC

I've placed a suggestion in the Tech Support forum for site feedback and suggestions, that a Timeline page be created that shows what's been done, what's being done, next, etc... --- as this would clear up a lot of confusion.