By and large, humans are racist, sexist, and most of the other -ists in the spectrum. That is a programmed response to things. We are taught that by visual, audio, and other forms of cues, but the fact of the matter is humans are exclusive to a fault. A quick word association exercise could tell you that.
Creating a new language would just add one more division to the human race, and I do believe that the goal of Asgardia is to represent and possibly unite humanity as opposed to separate and run off. Humans as a whole want to be good. That is why we love the stories with the good endings. We pick the good side in video games. We sometimes help others in need. We want to be inclusive, but social mores put up so many blocks, it makes it difficult.
My suggestion is take the 2 or 3 most spoken languages and make an amalgam of them (something like Firefly did (the tv show)). This way everyone understands everyone and you do not need people to translate. I also think that if we strive for this inclusion, then everyone should speak in that language. I know it is comforting to speak in your native tongue, but it isolates people from the conversation. True, someone might be eavesdropping, or butting in, but have you ever walked by a group of people and wondered what they are talking about because you do not know that language?
Anyway, that is my 2 cents