Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 01:05 UTC

Defining our goals will indicate what is required in the constitution.  

Whilst work on constitution is important the biggest question for me as a starting point for this is defining and agreeing on our eventual goals.

The "Concept" needs considerable work to provide more detail .

  1. Is non interventionist a realistic option ? " A core legal principle is that Asgardia does not interfere in relations between states on Earth – and vice versa. " We wish to be a member of the UN.. by definition this will mean we would have to take a position/vote (interfere) in relations between States. Would it be morally correct to continually abstain on issues that involve clear wrong doing or that adversely effect our citizens in their original Nation?

2 While "The essence of Asgardia is Peace in Space, and the prevention of Earth’s conflicts being transferred into space." but also

"Asgardia is also unique from a philosophical aspect – to serve entire humanity and each and everyone, regardless of his or her personal welfare and the prosperity of the country where they happened to be born. " How do we serve the vast majority of our community and entire humanity by not working toward resolving their problems here on Earth?

Should we use Tech to eradicate hunger, poverty , disease? Should these be some of our goals or is that not what we want to do? 3 Peace in space..! well if we read the posts on weaponizing space that is a) not happening and b) not within our current capability so how do we acheive that? Head in the sand will not achieve that . Would a world federal Govt system help with each Nation having a vote? This is what I consider the UN to be the start of but the big players do not want the restrictions so the UN continues to be toothless when it comes to enforcing issues against the interests of the big players. Should we support chnge in the UN or create a new body that has powers? Who would sign up for that? well it would need to be in a Nations interest which is either military protection or most likely Economic benefit.

3.The root cause of the vast majority of international disputes is money to buy things food , weapons materials machinery personal gain for Politicians etc..or power to get money. Should we have an aim for post scarity so that Money is no longer a divisive issue. If there was less need would migration/refugees be such an enormous issue? Space Law progress is impeded due to space capable Nations not wishing to lose existing and anticipated advantages both in economics and National security how do we change that? Why would they listen to us?

The potential answer is - the right message/s which need to be conveyed constantly to every corner of the world. - Credibility.. the message needs to come from a group that is credible and we will need to achieve a lot of thiongs before credibility is established including a community of 10's or 100,s of millions where it is difficult for the big Nations to ignore ( the smaller Nations are mostly already alligned under the big 3-5 and will follw the lead so it is those that need to take notice of Asgardia - The Big players will not move unless they gain considerable clear advantage by doing so..What are we offering/proposing that is good for them? The altrustic aims we embrace are not shared by those players who operate in a competitive duplicitous and often corrupt and nepotistic world returning to the theme of need and greed?

Should our goals be expanded to address the reality of the world we live in and find the solution or is that too much to ask of us?

Based on that decision we can then create a constitution that embodies those goals and principles .....or immediately create a Constitution that has the ability to evlove which is probably the better option.

Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 05:52 UTC

I avree with the assessment that we need a more defined goal for Asgardia. I like to thunk that we are a community of like minded peope who seek to live and work in space with national status.

Dec 30, 16 / Cap 29, 00 22:41 UTC

I think that the constitution must defend five fundamental principles:

  1. Right to life
  2. Right to work and a decent life
  3. Right to health
  4. Right to education, the arts, sport.
  5. Right to the family.

With these five rights must go in the constitution of Asgardia as the pillars of a new society in space.

Jan 7, 17 / Aqu 07, 01 23:19 UTC

I think that the basis of rights and freedoms applied in the GNU project should be an essential part of Asgardian life:

0 freedom to use,

1 freedom to study,

2 freedom to modify,

3 freedom to share the original and the changes.

This points are concepts that must be applied to make a society and culture based on science, mutual respect and collaboration, which is the basis for any community-nation need to strengthen its growth and have a robust base to grow. So much is the GNU success that Linux, Creativecommons, Wikipedia, Raspberry pi / arduino, android , CERN (openhardware), or Elon Musk have taken these bases to strengthen their projects and that evolve on the needs of society, and for that reason themselves and transcend.

Communities have been built under these concepts that have become international, competing equals, almost without investments like those used by large multinationals, yet these communities of volunteers compete with all other corporations because they have one objective: real equality For all to have opportunities, for humanity to go forward as a whole

  Last edited by:  kseltar - (Asgardian)  on Jan 7, 17 / Aqu 07, 01 23:20 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times

Jan 8, 17 / Aqu 08, 01 00:13 UTC

(coments about sley post) Point 3-1. In a space station health and clean-secure environment is not a right, it is the maximum obligation of the authorities to keep the population with the highest possible health, as any infection, virus or poison has the ability to completely destroy the population, in closed areas. The authority must obligate a periodic control of health status, invest in new medical equipment of last generation, provide medicines and services without cost. Train the population against catastrophes, and to provide relief in any situation

for other point: The form you describe is not completely correct, of course not bad. Basically living in space at least until developing a really large population will require the obligation for everyone to work on something, no one can be without work because survival is in constant risk. It is not a tourist town, it is almost a scientific-military camp, with continuous and almost obligatory learning to change operation shift, because everyone must be trained in different activities, general, of course you will specify, but nobody is exempted from do chores. It is not like a traditional state is olonization, of course there must be distraction and entertainment to release stress and develop better skills. Relationships must be open to what each person wishes to establish, so long as it does not alter the general development, it is not to copy the general way of life on earth, you must observe how some native communities all have tasks and all take care of all there is not one Concept of couples and children but all are parents of all at some time, all are brothers of all, and help themselves selflessly to live better. This could vary to 50 or 100 years, it is also necessary to develop balanced sustainability in both production and reproduction, we can not make the mistakes that destroy the earthling society

Jan 8, 17 / Aqu 08, 01 00:40 UTC

Someone considered as an example the constitutional structure of switzerland

  • direct democracy + federal form + popular referendum for partial or complete constitution changes

  • federal representatives + people selforganized organs

  • regions autogovenment + centralized coordination

read more