Aug 18, 17 / Lib 06, 01 06:34 UTC
Re: Magna Carta Libertatum ¶
@Ann Griffith
If you are voting Yes to something, like, say, a local bond issue or funding for local schools, that is how it works. You vote, it becomes law or it doesn't and lawmakers have to start over and improve it. If it becomes law it is supported by all the laws that came before it. And all of those laws are supported by that jurisdiction's Constitution—it is the basis of all laws.
Problem is, in the jurisdiction of Asgardia we drafted a Constitution and offered it to the citizenry to ratify it by a majority vote. Meaning, we all agree to make it the basis of all laws, or we don't. Except that never happened in Asgardia.
The Constitution was never made legal, it failed—approx only 35% voted in favor—and so currently we have no Constitution, no basis for our laws. You, I and anyone else can click "accept" all they want, but until the Constitution is ratified it is totally meaningless. A ratification process doesn't function in a manner where you vote for it—YAY! You win a prize—and become a citizen. That only happens *after* the Constitution is made a legal document and then you accept it as terms of your citizenship.
The situation we currently have is the leadership is pretending the Constitution was ratified and literally paying for an online advertising campaign to attract people that have no clue, telling everyone to come and join the club—just click Accept and you're in. Neato!—and adding all those "accept" clicks to the vote count for the ratification that already failed after the voting officially ended months ago—yet, strangely, the voting continues.
Have you ever seen an election process like that? Why have a structure of laws, voting, or a constitution if they are meaningless and can be arbitrarily changed or dismissed by an email or a tweet?
But the leadership did something even worse than that. Buried way back in the website, in all the documents, on all the different pages where almost nobody can find things they wrote a document that says "if you don't vote Yes, we're going to kick you out of the club, you're no longer one of us."
Just last week, Asgardia Official group on FB posted that "we now have 100,000 Asgardians"—the exact number of people that clicked Accept. But, that's weird, because up til just a couple of weeks ago their advertising campaign was telling people they should become an Asgardian because nearly 300,000 already did and if they don't hurry they'll be left out.
With this lie, they are literally kicking out about 190,000 Asgardians.
Have you ever voted No in an election for, say, fixing street potholes, and because you didn't vote Yes the county revoked your driving privileges? No, of course not, voting doesn't work that way. Except in Asgardia, and various totalitarian countries, like North Korea.