Jan 23, 17 / Aqu 23, 01 05:51 UTC
Ministers: Appointed or Elected (or Committees)? ¶
This is a discussion meant for how the basic structure of the government of Asgardia will be organized. Our founder Dr. Ashurbeyli has proposed at minimum some form of democracy and a variety of ministries with specified areas of functional responsibility. This strikes me as reasonable and this seems to be the consensus of the Asgardians on the forum as well. How these ministries will work is less clear.
I propose we decide on a simple question to give a direction to these discussions. How does a minister become a minister?
1) Ministers are appointed by another authority.
2) Ministers are elected.
The first option leaves the possibility for a strong executive government, a strong legislature government, or a balance between both. This is the most common structure of terrestrial national governments.
The second option leaves the possibility for more direct democracy by allowing voting on specific policy areas and combined with a referendum system does not necessarily need a legislative body. This is a common structure of terrestrial municipal governments.
Neither options rules out having ministries led by committees which could potentially include both elected and appointed positions.