re blockchain ..I like it and believe it is the future of voting on line "what the blockchain brings Decentralization & Open Participation: Publicly Viewable Records: Highest Data Integrity Available:(for public ledger)" add trust of the process. Re reverse up, I think that can be solved and here are a couple of options I have seen so far
However it is not immediately essential as any e-voting would suffice so is not a deal breaker.
I have thought of a couple of similar scenarios that need consideration
a) A group of delegated representatives who are technocrats holding considerable voting power due to their expertise decide to railroad an agenda of their own on different issues and against the principals of those they are do we deal with this? is it covered in liquid democracy model? Would any decision by the representatives be open to challenge and a Veto from the whole electorate as a check and balance?
b) A large group of active dissidents mange to accumulate a large voting block by fair means or foul and use this to pass legislation clearly against the interests or principals of Asgardia . Once again a challenge to veto this would be a safeguard.
We could also consider using direct democracy as the "2nd house".. delegates/ representatives pass legislation which is then offered to a direct vote for ratification before being enacted. In the UK this is common practice and a bill may be passed in the lower house rejected by the upper and shuttle back and forward for alteration a number of times between Houses before being passed in its final form.or abandoned.
ADD ..a recent article on blockchain voting Jan 11 /17 "Given public wariness around e-voting, Kaspersky set a high bar for system designers. The contest asked for solutions that could ensure voter privacy, safeguard against voters being pressured to cast a ballot, prohibit the publication of interim results (illegal in some places), account for votes left blank and allow for a recount if required.
Contest organizers especially wanted to ensure the blockchain systems would be able to surmount what is perhaps the highest hurdle facing e-voting. That is, the public’s reluctance to try something new." Not perfected but getting there