Apr 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 12:10 UTC
Re: The Asgardian CJS on Necrophilia ¶
Desires are urges.
Urges come in many shapes and colors and not all urges should be acted upon.
Giving in to every urge that pops into our mind (or heart) is a surefire way toward chaos and anarchy. As individuals, we need to have rules for ourselves in order to control our urges to participate in society as a whole. If your urges are uncontrollable, or you choose not to control them, then you have no right or claim to discrimination because your behavior is more akin to a beast than a human being.
If you believe society should change, then you act to make society more tolerant, as the homosexuals have been doing since the 1950s (as you put it). If you can get popular opinion in your favor, then you would no longer be marginalized for your desires.